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Mono Red Heroic

Pauper Aggro Pauper



This deck is a heroic/prowess aggressive strategy that relies on going tall with cards like Satyr Hoplite and Mage-Ring Bully or going wide with cards Akroan Crusader.

Cartouche of Zeal and Hammerhand both do the same thing of granting +1/+1 and haste as well as making it so that a creature cannot block.

Inferno Fist doubles as a heroic/prowess trigger while buffing a creature and can act as extra reach later.Ghitu Firebreathing acts as a source of damage boosting via heroic/prowess and firebreathing. It also acts as a combat trick because it has flash and can be used repeatedly for more heroic/prowess triggers because you can return it to your hand.Dragon Mantle triggers heroic/prowess and boosts damage with the firebreathing, but also important to note that it cantrips.Reckless Charge has flashback, which is fantastic in this deck.Fall of the Hammer is our removal of choice over lightning bolt because while it requires us to have a creature on the field, it triggers heroic.... Twice if you choose to have one of your creatures backhand another one of your creatures.Smoldering Spires adds more "can't block" effects to the deck.

Sideboard is a pretty standard kit.Apostle's Blessing provides protection against removal at the cost of life.Pyroblast is important to mention because of its wording. Because you get to choose the target before the card checks for color, in a pinch you can choose to target one of your own creatures to "destroy" this triggers heroic/prowess but the spell fizzles because the permanent isn't blue.


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92% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.43
Tokens Soldier 1/1 R
Folders Pauper, Pauper, Pauper
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