Pauper Reanimate deck. Unfortunately not legal on MTGO because Breath of Life has only ever been printed as an uncommon online.
Walker of the Grove and Ulamog's Crusher are the main reanimation targets.
An early Ulamog's Crusher just ends the game, so that choice is pretty self-explanatory.
Since we are putting in some effort into getting our large creatures into play, Walker of the Grove protects against getting totally blown out by leaving a 4/4 body behind in case your opponent removes it by bouncing it with a card like Vapor Snag or forcing you to sacrifice it to Chainer's Edict.
Also, it's evoke cost is a nice way to get itself in the graveyard so that you can reanimate it with Exhume or Breath of Life.
Satyr Wayfinder helps fix your mana and puts cards in the yard.
Mulch helps fix your mana, gets cards in the yard and give you lands to pitch to Wild Mongrel if needed, since it lets you keep all the lands you find off of it.
Wild Mongrel acts as a discard outlet that can beat down if needed.
Jungle Weaver pitches itself into your yard and draws you a card. It's also a 5/6 with reach which happens to stack up nicely against the small fliers in many pauper decks and bigger threats like Myr Enforcer, Gurmag Angler and Fangren Marauder.
Krosan Tusker helps fix your mana while drawing you a card and also gives you another body to reanimate if needed. It's just value in this deck.
Khalni Garden is in the deck to play around sacrifice effects and chump block if needed.
Prophetic Prism effectively makes our combo deck smaller by replacing itself when it comes into play. It also helps you to fix your mana if needed.