Semi-Budget Delver Deck to play with friends at kitchen table level. Looking fot advice.
I've done my best to procure the cards on a low budget (a bunch of them were gifts or I opened them myself in booster packs) so no Snaps or Cliques :(
Anyway, I was hoping to get some advice or suggestions on what cards to include, so I've explained my choices so far (if you wish to read them).
The idea of the deck is the classic aggro/tempo budget delver, relyin heavily on burn for finishing opponents off. The lack of Snapcaster Mage means no Bolt-Snap-Bolt so I had to include as much powerful, flexible burn as possible, that's why there are no serum visions (also, they're kinda expensive and I wouldn't know where to fit them). Instead, 2x Magma Jet does the job of flipping delver (though in anadmittedly un-tempoish way) while also working as burn/removal. The rest of the deck is the best I could come up with.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated!!
The typical budget delver core:
4x YP, Swiftspears, Delver the aggresive carda that make the most out of the numerous instants & sorcceries.
4x Mana Leak sort of the catch-all answer turns 2 through 5 and even further givem some of the high-costed threats in my meta (Dragons, Angels, etc).
2x Remands I just added them and I already love them. Complements well the 4 leaks and are suc a hug tempo swing. They are kind of expensive and I wouldn't know what to take out for the extra 2.
4x Bolts simply insane.
4x Gitaxian Probes the info they give is so useful. They can make a YP token, pump Swiftspear, flip Delver and even draw an extra card by playing Jori En+GP.
4x Vapor Snag awesome, really flexible card. Removes blockers, saves my YP from removal, etc.
The rest:
2x Electrlyze they are huge against small creatures decks and mana dorks.
2x Magma Jet they help flip Delver while providing burn/removal.
2x Exquisite Firecraft uncounterable 4 dmg burn/removal in a single card.
1x Jori En at first, I didn't think much of the card and just played it as I had nothing else. Turns out it's great when you are trying to pump Swiftspears or get YP tokens on the board. It is of note that you can proc the draw trigger on your opponent's turn as well as you own.
1x P&K Nalaar such a game-winning card...
1x Dismember reat in my meta full of x/4s and x/5s
1x Roast some more removal
Mana Base:
As I said, I have a limited budget, so this is the best I could come up with. Would love feedback on the Island/Mountain ratio and thoughts on including a single Faerie Conclave.
Still under construction. Pretty standard cards for now. Would love a couple Tears of Valakut and perhaps Molten Rain.
A few ideas. When I first thought of building this deck, I envisioned a couple Dark-Dwellers casting back Electrolyzes or Exquisite Firecrafts. However, I haven't really missed them and I realize it takes me some time to get to 5 lands.