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My version of BW Tokens. The deck is awesome and my record is around 65%W. I would like to start some statistics about it, will probably in the future.

BW tokens is a deck that is somewhat dependent on each different meta. While the core of the deck is pretty much fixed, many card choices will be different from other builds you might see. There is actually not a "correct" version of the deck and, as it is quite difficult to perfectly tune it to your meta diversity (constantly changing), the deck is under continuous modifications.

My version is focused on a more control-based version, mainly because I believe it is the shell where the deck can offer its full potential and because I feel more identified with this kind of play-style.

The deck is pretty capable of handling with somewhat ease many tier 1 and 2 decks such as affinity, jund, junk, storm, death's shadow, grixis, control... It suffers a bit more against aggressive decks, and we really need to pull out a great performance against decks like tron or valakut strategies.

Things you don't want to miss in your deck:

23 Lands (only three taplands between Shambling Vent and Windbrisk Heights

4 Lingering Souls

4 Raise the Alarm / Bitterblossom

3 Sorin, Solemn Visitor (2 min) / Gideon, Ally of Zendikar / Sorin, Lord of Innistrad

6 Inquisition of Kozilek + Thoughtseize

4 Path to Exile

2 Fatal Push

4 Intangible Virtue

Total of 50 cards -> 10 Flex Spots.

Depending on how your meta shapes, the deck presents some variations, within the 7 flex spots resulting from the previous core assumption:


Disruption and grindy strategies shine here.


Removal, Lifegain, and chump-blocks.


Somehow in the middle between control and aggro.

Currently, I am implementing History of Benalia in the deck. Before this, I faced many times games where our disruption was on point, but we were lacking finishers. In an attempt to stream-line the deck to make it more consistent, I found that this card to be a powerhouse. Something opponents have to deal with, or die to. So far I am extremely satisfied with it, so it will stick around for a little longer.

After all this thought, the plan for the flex spots is:

  • The 24th land, a Ghost Quarter, to deal with problematic manabases.

  • 2 Collective Brutality to answer a bit of everything while being able to make profit of those Thoughtseizes you draw against burn...

  • 1 Zealous Persecution to answer the creature-heavy meta. Also helps speeding up the clock. This card is at its best in our deck.

  • 4 Bitterblossom, because the card is just too good to pass. Best win-con in the deck.

  • 1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar as a 1-of. He is a board-state in a card. He is our Bitterblossom + Intangible Virtue in a stick: creates tokens, pumps them, and is able to generate a clock by himself. He does everything. I wouldn't mind running more than 1, but his lack of interaction with the opponent settles him to 1 copy. I am comfortable like this, and the deck feels more balanced.

  • 3rd Sorin, Solemn Visitor. In my opinion, and after trying it a lot. This Sorin is slightly better in our deck. Also, having 3 copies increases consistency.

  • 4 History of Benalia to muscle up the deck and add aggression to the deck. Modern is fast and we need more pressure to win difficult matchups.

  • 3x Stony Silence: Modern staple. Or you run 3 or none, in my opinion. Independently from how many decks in your meta are worth this card, is something we want to nail turn 2, thus, 3 is the way to go. Great against affinity, eldrazi tron, normal tron (mainly on the play), ad nauseam, tezzeretor, lantern control...

  • 2x Disenchant: Main reason for this: Ensnaring Bridge. We don't board this card in many times against artifact decks like eldrazi tron or regular tron, but still, it is extremely necessary for those cases. Also great against affinity, ad nauseam (putting them to -5 lives and afterward destroying their Phyrexian Unlife for the win). Sundering Growth is also a consideration, but the double white is not worth the extra token when we also play colorless sources and Blood Moon is out there.

  • 2x Rest in Peace: Another modern staple (thank God we play white). Anything using the GY will suffer from this. Other options are Nihil Spellsbomb or Relic of Progenitus, but, IMO, this card is just waaaaay more powerful. Impacts the game since it enters the battlefield and locks many opponents out of the game. It is our Blood Moon of choice. True it hoses our own Lingering Souls, but if we are bringing this in, is because the opponent will suffer way more than us from this inclusion.

  • 3x Surgical Extraction: allows for some crazy turn 1 activations (after hand disruption). Extirpate might have an edge against responsive decks (that could also often be the case if we make a timely use of Surgical Extraction, though). Anyway, extra pieces of GY hate AND combo hate. Combined with the huge discard package we have in the main, the cards are much better than Stain the Mind effects because they don't target the opponent and are faster to activate. Also, hitting a tron land after we Ghost Quarter it feels incredibly powerful.

  • 2x Collective Brutality to complete the playset in the 75. Great against almost anything in modern. It is here mainly to help against burn (we have a ton of lifeloss in the main) and company decks. Also pairs up great with the fact that Bant creatures decks can bring in some copies of Worship. The drain mode becomes crucial here.

  • 1x Zealous Persecution: For creature matchups. Acts both as early one-sided sweeper, and as combat trick to make opp blocks end up terribly for them. If there is a deck where this card could see play, this is the one. Also useful to just race sometimes, adding some power to the table can ruin opp's math for combat.

  • 1x Wrath of God + 1x Damnation: As counter-intuitive as it sounds, these cards are awesome. We just need to stall the first turns (something we are very good at with chumpblockers and spot-removal) and wait until they fed up of blowing spirits and display all their creature power at once. Then wrath the board and there you go, easy GG. Our capability to rebuild is much higher than any other creature deck, so when properly used, it doesn't hurt blowing some tokens. Also great agaisnt hexproof and protection creatures. One of each because Meddling Mage is a thing.

With this configuration, we have packs of 5 cards for the most relevant archetypes:

Possibles (placeholders) Show

Some cards I have tested and (currently) disregarded.

Nothing planned.

GP Stockholm: Deck used. Report in the description.

16.10.18 FNM: 3-1 Jund, Mardu, 4c Scapeshift. Izzet ascension.

23.10.18 FNM: 3-1 Storm, Ensoul Blast, Izzet ascension. UW spirits.

Please leave any comments/recommendations you might have!


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97% Competitive

Date added 8 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 2 Mythic Rares

25 - 8 Rares

22 - 4 Uncommons

1 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.46
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Human 1/1 W, Servo 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 WB, Vampire 2/2 B, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Modern Reference, My Decks, Concepts, Competitive Modern Decks, Creatureless Decks, Midrange Decks, Token Decks
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