So here I am, finally making the plunge into modern :) I've heard a lot about the fact that you NEED Goyf/Bob/fetches to get into modern, but I did a little research and thought that soul sisters seemed like a cool deck, so I took that and put a little spin on it. I remember hearing about Norin the Wary and wondered why he would ever be good, ever. And then the lightbulb went off and here we are :)
I'm definitely looking for some insight here, so suggestions are very welcome! :)
Ajani's Pridemate - This dude just keeps climbing and climbing, he gets absolutely huge in a very short time.
Archangel of Thune - With all the lifegain, she is an auto-include for sure.
Serra Ascendant - Our blonde soul sister (kinda, not really. Okay, soul cousin??), I have 30+ life most of the time, and a 1 drop 6/6 lifelink flyer is generally one of the best things ever
Champion of the Parish - Considering almost everything in the deck is a human, this guy gets huge and helps pull the wins.
Lifegain Package
Soul Warden
- Brunette soul sister #1
Soul's Attendant - Brunette soul sister #2
Suture Priest - Redheaded soul sister
Kabira Crossroads
- Gain some life, trigger Ajani's Pridemate, definitely worth coming in tapped
Value Train
Purphoros, God of the Forge - Between Genesis Chamber and Norin the Wary, we go under/around/above the opponent for a ton of damage
Cathars' Crusade - Make all of my dudes massive if left unchecked
Genesis Chamber - Make a bunch of dudes, which trigger Purphoros / my lifegain dudes (err, girls), which make my Ajani's Pridemate / Serra Ascendant bigger. YES
Mentor of the Meek
- Almost every creature I have will trigger him, and with all the ETB shenanigans from Norin the Wary and Genesis Chamber, I can usually afford to just take an entire turn off from playing spells and just draw a full hand.
Ranger of Eos - Great way to get a Norin + Soul Sister if I don't have them, or any other combination of my 16 1-drops
Elspeth, Knight-Errant - One of my finishers, generally using her "+3/+3 flying" ability, but yet another way to trigger some lifegain, and a possible
Mentor of the Meek
Path to Exile - Take care of enemy threats or some ramp in a pinch if I need it.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - Just a 1-of. She's a human and a hate bear, why not?