White Weenie deck with some planeswalkers added in for extra fun! Tell me what you think!
Breakdown of the deck:
Boros Elite,
Soldier of the Pantheon
, Precinct Captain - early game swingers that have extra benefits as the game goes on. They provide quick attacks and help give me an advantage later.
Banisher Priest
- another little body that comes with an instant benefit. Easy creature removal that also helps my board presence.
Cavalry Pegasus - Truly is the core of the deck. This little guy gives almost all my creatures flying.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride - +1/+1 counter? Ok, my little guys could always use a pickup. His flying and double strike is really where it's at. Survives board wipes too, so his ultimate could be used to refill my board after one.
Gideon, Champion of Justice
- he is the tank here. Survives board wipes and also counts as a human, so he can get a free ride on my Cavalry Pegasus too! Works great with Ajani, Caller of the Pride's double strike ability.
Avacyn, Guardian Angel
- a steady source of protection for creatures. Also has a decently sized body, something most of my creatures lack.
Soul of Theros
- My main finisher. This guy rocks. +2/+2, lifelink, AND first strike? Yeah, he's pretty good.
Brave the Elements
- ... Enough said.
Celestial Flare - it's the last thing they expect. This is a very useful tool that can get past anything so long as the opponent attacks with one creature.
Mutavault - Works with my Pegasus, so why not? I would have more, but the price tag is holding me back.
The Sideboard
Ajani, Caller of the Pride - in case I need to see him more.
Banishing Light - Works on just about anything. Great white removal.
Celestial Flare - Man I like this card
- for anything with enchantments or those pesky gods.
Devouring Light
- a free cast sometimes. Can't go wrong.
Glare of Heresy
- Goodbye Elspeth or Ajani.
- a personal favorite of mine.
Pillar of Light
- I prefer this over
Return to the Ranks - gotta have some way to get my guys back after a board wipe or lots of removal.
Well, that's it. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Feel free to comment!