With Languish rotating out, there are no more turn 4 board wipes in standard. That means that aggro is viable again; Who cares if they have 4 fumigates if they are dead by turn 4? With new fastlands and vehicles from Kaladesh, along with low drop creatures with artifact synergy in RWB, Mardu artifact aggro is what I believe to be the best aggro deck in our future standard.
The Fastlands: To start things off, Inspiring Vantage and Concealed Courtyard are perfect for this deck. Considering your first two land drops are the most important anyway, these lands are almost unconditional dual lands.
The one Drops: One of the most important drops in the deck, you probably wouldn't want to keep a hand without one of these 10 cards. Thraben Inspector Triggers artifact synergies and gives you a body for only 1 mana.
Inventor's Apprentice
is quite strong. In this deck it is a 2/3 for 1 pretty consistently could be the biggest creature on the board turn 2. Have you heard of a card called Delver of Secrets
? Well imagine that, but first strike and no flying. Toolcraft Exemplar is probably the best aggro card in standard. Swinging for 3 on turn 2 has always been great in any format, and insane in standard. later in the game they can't even block with their own 2 or 3 drop to trade.
The two Drops: We have 20 cards at our two drop slot.
Cogworker's Puzzleknot
is mainly just there to get 2 artifacts onto the battlefield for Toolcraft Exemplar. Scrapheap Scrounger is an amazing 2 drop. It enables the exemplar and can come back after being removed. Smuggler's Copter Is insane with Depala, plus allows you to cycle unneeded lands and 4 drops. Syndicate Trafficker does a lot of damage, and is resistant to removal. You can attack leaving open mana up and then use it to pump it with a puzzleknot, or let it go through. Also it can survive against decks running Kozilek's Return or Radiant Flames witch are this decks biggest weaknesses. Veteran Motorist is great with the copter and also sets up your next 2 turns for you.
The three Drops: We are running 5 three drops in our deck. The most important is Depla, Pilot Exemplar, who has the ability to boost 16 of the cards in our deck. Also, her ability can find your next good card and filter lands to the bottom. Unlicensed Disintegration is the removal spell I decided on. At first I was thinking Declaration in Stone because it is cheaper, but I realized that the spell would normally be cast turn 3 anyway, and at 3 Disintegration is wayyyy better, having no drawback and being able to burn them too, this card will win you the game.
And finally at four we have Fleetwheel Cruiser Which is is an awesome card to end them with.
Sideboard: OK, so the deck is already very strong against control without any boarding. Fragmentize is only really necessary against Authority of the Consuls and Always Watching which are both very strong against aggressive strategies.
Gryff's Boon
is very good when your opponent has good ground blockers but weak flying blockers.
Stitcher's Graft
Is for matchups against slower midrange decks where some extra damage on your last swing or 2 can finish them off or alows a creature to trade with a 4 drop. Thalia, Heretic Cathar is amazing in the aggro mirror, where she is a great blocker with first strike and stops any haste creatures or new creatures crewing vehicles, especially Smuggler's Copter. Unlicensed Disintegration is good when your opponent has a lot of very powerful four drops which need to go.