This thing needs a stack of dice to keep track of counters and tokens if the opponent lets you get any kind of board state going.
Turn 1- Hardened Scales always.
Turn 2: creatures that get +1/+1 counters just from walking in the door. Preferably ones with modular (or the similar effect) so their counters are not lost on death, which also re-trigger scales.
Later turns: create tokens off of Animation Module to sacrifice to Throne of Geth to make all your counter-bearing creatures grow. if your hand is out of gas, can use the paid abilities on Swarm Shambler or Animation Module to add counters, generate tokens, and so on.
Other key points:
-Protect creatures with Inspiring Call and Silkguard , which also draw cards and distribute more +1/+1 counters respectively
-Gala Greeters grows on its own and trickles some life back your way, but also provides treasure tokens for a little ramp or as fodder for Throne of Geth
-Proliferating triggers scales, so each proliferate is effectively +2 counters each.
-card costs are kept low to keep mana open to pay for generating Animation Module tokens (which trigger Gala Greeters for more counters, more tokens, etc)
Once a decent board state is established, turns can set off a chain of triggers with as little as dropping a land.
Inspiring call gives some protection from board wipes, but I don't feel great leaving it as a 2-of. considering dropping Avatar of the Resolute for it, but I like it's use as an early-turn beater. Reach and trample are nice too.
The lack of good, cheap removal options in green always leaves me worried about not having answers to problematic creatures. I should probably find some kind of artifact or enchantment removal that plays nice with this setup as well.