This deck is a semi competitive budget aggressive humans deck with a mild revolt theme that can successfully transition to mid game if the need arises Fumigate looking at you! Its been about a month and a half since I made a rough draft of this deck and with extensive play testing I am proud to present to you the finished product! This is a deck that grows like cancer spreading humans and +1/+1 counters across the board until it swings down like an unstoppable tsunami!
Pros:Can be very fast
Low converted mana cost
A lot of synergy and hidden interactions
Pretty resilient to moderate removal with Renegade Rallier
Very flexible against a lot of decks
Fun to play
Cons: Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is such a hard counter to this deck its disgusting
Heavy removal can out tempo you and shut you down
Weak to board sweeps early on
Can be weak against Thing in the Ice
Sideboard explanation: Dragonmaster Outcast is kinda flexible honestly I just threw it in for potential late game help.
Revoke Privileges is in there for the red white vehicles deck
Bound by Moonsilver and is surprisingly good against the green black counters deck
Authority of the Consuls is good against blue white spirits/flash decks.
The remainder are situational for control or more aggro, the good news is that this deck is pretty good against hard control match ups coming in under the radar. The biggest weakness I can predict is Temur energy, Ravenous Hydra is super annoying to go up against but other than that this deck does really well and is a ton of fun to play! just be sure to have lots of dice for counters haha
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