Sultai Control
Made this Sultai control deck based around lots of removal and a bit of counter magic been play testing it against my house mate WomboCombo and his monsters deck and it has proved to pull some out of no where kills on top of being able to control games aswell.
Reasons for Selecting Cards.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
- I love this card was so under rated when it was first spoiled and I think it finds a good home in this deck being able to take cards and monsters off a mid range deck is very solid and it also is a good fate seal for the Courser of Kruphix decks around.
Garruk, Apex Predator
- this card provides a win con or healing vs monster decks and removal vs the plainswalker that I am expecting to see.
Kiora, the Crashing Wave - this card provides a extra mana drop in control is just value and the fact you can bubble creatures allows you to stall out for longer aswell.
Liliana Vess - allows you to pull there hand apart or tutor for your win cons she just works so well in control.
Despise - main reason im running this over
main is that the deck does not have a lot of ways to heal so vs agro I find that this will be a more solid choice over its counter part.
Dig Through Time - This card is just solid instant speed card draw that allows you to use your Grave Yard to make it a lot cheaper and lets you dig for your win cons
Dissolve - Control enough said :)
Hero's Downfall - This card is just solid one of the best removal spells in Standard in my opinion.
Negate - this card was an interesting choice I am main boarding this because it can hit plainswalkers all the new Ascendency's that people are playing with testing and it also hits all the new charms going around aswell I have found this card has been nothing but value since I have been playing it.
Sultai Charm
- This card is just good Removal card Draw or Naturalize in one card this works so well in this deck.
Villainous Wealth - this card is my fun card so far I love it testing this card even hitting for 5 against a monsters deck means you take almost anything you hit off the top of there deck so far I haven't had a bad cast of this card and it almost always has got me out of a tight spot.
Prognostic Sphinx
- The scry value of this is just so good and if you have to leave it on the back foot it can block Stormbreath Dragon until you can find an answer.
Kruphix, God of Horizons - This card combo's so well with Villainous Wealth you can either mill them to death with
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
and Villainous Wealth or just use it to steal a large amount of cards.
Sylvan Caryatid - this card is good vs agro and also gives me a little color fixing and addition mana sources to help hit the counters and kill spells when I need them.
The main win cons is to exile there Library and play there own stuff to kill them why stalling the board with all the removal and counter magic.Or just to beat there face off with
Prognostic Sphinx
Looking for some ideas on what to add / remove to make it more solid there are a few cards I like aka Clever Impersonator but don't have any to put into the deck f you like the deck give it a upvote looking forward to letting it loose in FnM will post results when I get them :D.