Trying to make an control deck in the new Standart.
In general, this deck tries to ruin your opponent plans, just like a normal control deck. So, nothing new here. In fact, I'm trying, just like every control player right now, to figure out how to make a control-oriented strategy in this new rotation. I've found that UB is a good combination, since you can destroy, exile and discard most of the threats with black and gain card advantage and counters with blue. Just by saying this I've made my point.
But, while experimenting with this deck, I've found some good synergies, and I want to point it out to you guys, just to see if I'm going into the right direction. I've also tried this with a Grixis Control, but since I don't have all the cards, I've put aside the red splash and run it only U/B.
Let me show you my strategy:
Thoughtseize is your friend. Remove planeswalkers, huge bombs like Stormbreath Dragon,Siege Rhino, Polukranos, World Eater and akins. Also, lets you see your opponent hand. Despise enters here to fill a similar role. To make this part of the strategy more discard-oriented, I'm thinking about using Liliana Vess, but I'm not shure if she'll work well here. Suggestions are apreciated.
Bile Blight, Drown in Sorrow, Hero's Downfall, Murderous Cut and Silence the Believers are here to basically kill every creature your opponent put in the board. But every one has a properly use: Bile Blight if you're facing monored aggro that usually spams iddenticals creatures; Drown in Sorrow against the same aggro strategyes, but this time not restrained to monored since you can boardswipe most of the one and two drops; Hero's Downfall may be used to kill huge threats but can also kill and unexpected planeswalkers, so use it wisely; Murderous Cut can be used in different times depending only of how filled your graveyard is; and Silence the Believers have two best uses: against Indestructible creatures and by striving it in the late game. Since you're a control player, you'll problaby have no difficult to strive it to an addicional creature, maybe even two at ten wothing mana.
My choice of counters are more noncreature spell oriented. Because you have a ton of removals, I've chosen counterspells that can make you counter threats like the Charms, direct damage, other removals and specially planeswakers. So, Negate and Disdainful Stroke both counters any of the above by using only two mana. Simple an straight.
And finally, Jace, the Living Guildpact work amazingly well here by deckfiltering and filling your graveyard at the same time. This accelerates your game, fuels Murderous Cut to a probably two or one cost and, the best part, fills your graveyard to a glorious Dig Through Time costing only two mana. I don't need to tell you that looking at the seven first cards of your library, choose two cards and probably have mana open to use then is gamechanging. Also, Jace's -3 is good enough to open your opponent board to a good attack or even unsummon an annoying planeswalker. Since you're running a control strategy, you can even -8 him to a refreshing restart with seven cards and a lot of mana. Enjoy it.
I'm only working at the winning condition right now. Master of the Feast is the best I've found to kill your opponent in a controled game where you can be shure that he won't be removed. His drawback, of course, is bad, so I'm open to suggestions. I've seen a build simmilar to mine using Prognostic Sphinx, but I don't have it.
As always, sorry for the bad english, it's my second language. Please, suggestions are welcome. BR e BR, porra!