Here's my old Modern deck from probably 2-3 years ago I never wrote a great description for it but I'm curious to know what the modern community thinks of it now. I'm re-writing the descprition since I have a better handle on how to play/how to describe what it does. Without any disruption this deck will almost always have lethal on turn 4.
I used to play elves when it was considered laughable now that it's back I've been working on my own version without Collected Company and Chord of Calling. So here it is my infinite mana, damage, draw, and health deck all possible on turn 2! In modern! Whaaaattt! (Now with infinite elves!)
I'm trying to write some sort of primer or decent description but I just can't be bothered since modern isn't my passion any more. Though this is one of my favorite decks so I'm going to try.
The deck!
This will be a brief (hopefully on topic) overview/faq for the deck.
"First what does the deck do?" It combos off between turns 2 and 4 either infinite or just enough 18-50 life.
"How do you play it?" I've been playing it for years and it's all about getting the right hands you want 1-2 lands (never more) a few one drops, and hopefully the all star of the deck Heritage Druid
"Does the deck win?" Absolutely, I've 4'd several times at my store (either because the meta isn't meant to handle elves or they tried to out pace me.)
"How does this deck win?" Hopefully by outpacing the opponent, it happens all the time, they don't feel threatened by it turn 2-3 so they tap out allowing us to win.
"This deck seems very fragile." Not a question but yes it absolutely is, it's a glass cannon, it can be shut down pretty easily and against any disruption we'll be slowed down immensely.
Turn 2 Infinite Combos!
These are all very specific each requiring 7-9 cards each so you're probably thinking this isn't likely to happen, but there's so many combos and slight variations of each for this to happen that I can get one at least 1-3 games per night. Every combo needs Cloudstone Curio
Infinite Mana (infinite damage and infinite health) Show
*infinite damage is only possible if you are on the DRAW and you have to draw a tutor or
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
**infinite health is possible if you replace a random one drop with Essence Warden
8 Cards needed: 2 Forest, Heritage Druid, 2 Nettle Sentinel, Cloudstone Curio, and any 2 one drops Elvish Mystic or Llanowar Elves for example.
opening hand: Forest, Forest, Heritage Druid, Nettle Sentinel, Nettle Sentinel, Cloudstone Curio, Elvish Mystic
Turn 1: Play forest, play Nettle Sentinel, pass.
Turn 2: Draw Llanowar Elves. Play forest, play Nettle Sentinel, play Heritage Druid. Tap all 3 for mana (3 floating), play Elvish Mystic (2 floating), both Nettle Sentinels trigger to untap, tap all three with Heritage Druids ability (5 floating), play Cloudstone Curio (2 floating), ***play Llanowar Elves (1 floating), both nettle senitel triggers resolve, Llanowar Elves resolves, Cloudstone Curio goes on the stack, tap 3 elves before cloudstone resolves (4 floating), let Cloudstone resolve and bounce Elvish Mystic, play the mystic (3 floating), nettles trigger, cloudstone on the stack, tap the 3 (6 floating), bounce the Llanowar Elves and repeat from the asterisk.
After you make enough mana you can drop Ezuri, Renegade Leader which will untap the Nettle Sentinel that has been in since turn one and pump him up to lethal damage.
Infinite mana #2 + infinite untapped tokens (infinite damage and infinite health) Show
*infinite damage is only possible if you are on the DRAW and you have to draw a tutor, Craterhoof Behemoth or Ezuri, Renegade Leader
**infinite health is possible if you replace the random one drop with Essence Warden
8 cards needed: 2 lands, 2 Nettle Sentinel, Heritage Druid, Dwynen's Elite, Cloudstone Curio, and any one drops
Virtually the same as the first infinite mana
opening hand: Forest, Forest, Heritage Druid, Nettle Sentinel, Nettle Sentinel, Cloudstone Curio, Dwynen's Elite
Turn 1: Forest, Nettle Sentinel.
Turn 2: draw Elvish Mystic, play Forest, play Nettle Sentinel and Heritage Druid, tap all 3 elves (3 mana floating), cast Elvish Mystic (2 floating), Nettle Sentinels trigger, tap all 3 (5 floating), cast Cloudstone Curio (2 floating), ****cast Dwynen's Elite, both nettles untap, Dwynen's Elite resolves, cloudstone goes on the stack THEN dwynens etb, etb resolves, elf token enters, triggers cloudstone again, tap 2 nettles and Dwynen's Elite (3 floating), bounce elvish mystic and dwynen from the 2 coudstone triggers, cast Elvish Mystic (2 floating), nettles untap, tap all 3 with Heritage Druids ability (5 floating), cast Dwynen's Elite and repeat from the asterisk.
infinite mana #3 + infinite draw (infinite health) Show
*replace the random one drop with Essence Warden
It's exactly the same as the last two except Elvish Visionary in place of Dwynen's Elite I don't feel like typing up how to go through it since it's basically the same as the last two. After you draw a whole bunch of cards you can get into one of the other combos and win.
After turn 2 there's so many combos you can do some infinite some not, there's no point in listing it all but you can preform all of them if you know how to do any of the turn 2 combos.
The deck is also undergoing some tweaking like what should be 3 ofs and 4 ofs