Welcome to my latest deck tech; today's build will be a U/W mid-range build. The focus of this deck is to use highly efficient creatures and spells to stack multiple triggers and keep card advantage. The deck works similarrly to a U/W/x control deck by using fetch lands and cheap removal and protection spells to fill the gravyard as well as keep threats safe on the board.

DECK TECHThis deck uses a combination of elements from different deck styles; and operates as a true midrange build. It encoroprates elements of control with the use of counter spells, cheap removal, and card advantage but aditionally uses efficient tempo like creatures to win the game. Bellow I will detail many of the integral parts of this deck in detail.
Anticipate-Some would call this a worse Impulse, in standard however it is one of the best cantrips to be printed in the set. For allows the user to dig three cards down and put a choice card in hand and out the rest on the bottom of the library. This ability is a great EOT effect that can help set up for the next turn or as an in response solution to a troublesome play.
Center Soul
-A protection spell like Feat of Resistance however it trades the 1+/1+ counter for a second casting. This is benificial here as many of the main threats in the deck revolve around noncreature spell casting such as Myth Realized and
Seeker of the Way
Dragonlord Ojutai-Ojutai is perfect for this deck aside from being a 5/4 flyer the great dragon is hexproof as long as it untapped meaning it can be played safely on turn 5 and then throw at an opponent turn 6. When Ojutai swings it can be protected just like any other creature in the deck or it can be left untapped to serve as a power house blocker.
Monastery Mentor-A white Young Pyromancer with aditionally features. At three mana this card is somewhat awkward for some aggro decks however in a midrange build it exels. The key to success with this card is patience And not wasting the card, meaning it is not always preferential to play this card on turn 3 but instead waiting till some boon or advantage can be gained from it. Note this deck is a midrange build with card draw abilities and counter spells mean that this card grows in stregth late game If it is allowed to sit freely. The deck operates around keeping creatures like this safe with cards like Gods Willing and Valorous Stance to keep power houses alive.
Myth Realized-possibly one of the most powerful cards in the new set, this card acts as turn 1 investment into the game. This card can sit on the battlefield idle for much of the game collecting power and then animate attack, and block and cause board upsets. Additionally the cards first ability acts as a mana sink EOT to further power up the card.
one of the things that makes this card so powerful is that it is only only a creature when it needs to be making it a hard for many decks to deal with it on their own terms in game 1 and can be protected when it animates.
Narset Transcendent-Narset has alot going for her mostly her massive devotion count upon entering. For 4 mana Narset 6 devotion is unpresidanted, it also almost guarantees that she will either draw a huge amount of aggro away from the player, eat a Hero's Downfall, or stay in play for several turns. Thus may not seem like a big deal but it is Narset is one of the most resilient planes walkers in standard at the moment, upon resolution the only efficient answers is Hero's Downfall or Utter End.
Stratus Dancer-This creature has proven to be very powerfull and versitile in deck building. This is the most efficient tempo creatures in the format currently; for it acts as a 2/1 flyer which make for good beats, for three colorless it is a morph which becomes an uncountable "Negate" that is now a 3/2 flyer. This card is incredible in control and Abzan match ups as it denies crucial plays and also serves as a beater on the opponent early and late game.

Tips and tricksMindset -
This deck takes forethought to pilot effectivly. This deck doesn't win like a tempo deck where it goes beat for beat it wins through combat tricks and using the material available to keep board state alive while limiting an opponents options. With that in mind it is always important to keep mana open, this deck isn't control however it is close enough that an opponent has to consider his options before moving.
This mindset also requires being careful with game winning resources as they are precious and have to be protected. This is done by playing safetly and not playing cards that will be removed before they become useful this means in early game situations a player may have to wait a turn or two before playing a threat to have an appropriate amount of mana to play a threat and keep protection mana open .
Myth Realized- an important thing to remember about this card is that it is a "mana sink", this means the card can eat up avaible mana at an opponents EOT and gain counters. This is just a useful trick that makes a players mana even more efficient as it would just be left untapped at the EOT and would not progress the player towards victory. This ability as often as possible as long as it appear the opponent cannot do anything detrimental to board state.

conclusionThis deck is a fun very interesting and challenging deck to play but it is fun and efficient.As always if you like the build please up-vote or leave a comment; if you want to see more deck techs or other builds check out my profile here leave me feed back or follow me on here for further updates and new stuff.