Akoum Battlesinger, Bojuka Brigand, Ondu Cleric, and Join the Ranks will never see less than a full playset in this deck. Kalastria Healer is less valuable but still a solid 2 drop especially when compared to the other Allies at common. Vampire Envoy is A good defender with the added upside of minimal lifegain. Highland Berserker should always be at least a two of considering he's an undervalue creature if redundant. First strike is nice though and until some better ally drops in rarity randomly, I believe this is the number and amount of each creature I want to run in this deck.
Spells are where I have to do a lot more deciding. Read the Bones is a super value spell especially since i have many sources of lifegain anyway. The problem is that it's a 3 mana spell, and while that isn't entirely a lot, This deck is designed to be playable at 2 mana and I have definitely been stranded with 1 or 2 read the bones and only 2 land out.
Duress is okay for putting pressure on my opponent but sometimes it does feel like a wasted slot. I get to see if my opponent is going to have answers for me and even get rid of them.
Journey to Nowhere is solid value creature exile at 2 mana. Oblivion ring if I need to expand to more permanents.
Flame Slash in aggro pauper should essentially be a Journey to Nowhere though. Ideally this would be replaced with Lightning Bolts I guess but I really like that extra 1 damage on creatures. Not to mention Terminate
Unearth has potential I never saw before and would give me a little bit of flexibility. 1 mana to cast any individual creature in my deck from the graveyard and get the effects of it's ETB. Or cycle for 2.