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TitanShift V89

Modern* RG (Gruul)



Creature (2)

Sorcery (1)

Instant (3)


My personal list and sidebaord guide to my baby deck. This was my frist modern deck and will always be my favorite.


Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Growth Spasm 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Roast

It may seem counter-intuitive to shave Growth Spasm post-board, but against discard spells, Growth Spasm can be clunky. You want to deploy ramp spells before they’re discarded. You have a great midrange plan post-board between Bloodbraid Elf, Obstinate Baloth, and Tireless Tracker, which will punish them for putting in clunky cards like Fulminator Mage.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Growth Spasm 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Roast

The deck presents a fast clock along with lots of disruption, which is not what TitanShift wants to face. Game 1 usually boils down to who draws more dead cards, and you usually have a couple turns in the midgame to draw a game-winning Titan. Obstinate Baloth is not completely ideal post-board due to its awkward 4/4 size but you need it to buy extra turns.

Board out --> 3x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 2x Damping Sphere 2x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge

This matchup is purely a race, with you hoping to fade turn-3 Karn Liberated or turn-4 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. Bloodbraid Elf does a fantastic job of harassing their planeswalkers.

Board out --> 4x Scapeshift 4x Lightning Bolt 3x Farseek

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Roast 2x Reclamation Sage

They will disrupt you early in the game, but they are slow to close games and a sweeper tags most of their creatures outside of Bedlam Reveler. Lightning Bolt is replaced with Roast to kill it. Watch out against Molten Rain + Surgical Extraction on a Valakut, as well as the Blood Moons they bring in. Your midrange beaters can punish them if they spend their turns trying to disrupt you with Blood Moon and Surgical Extraction.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Reclamation Sage 2x Anger of the Gods 1x Fracturing Gust

The biggest reason Fracturing Gust was added to the deck over a card like Nature's Claim. Always be cognizant of how much damage your Scapeshifts can deal since they can gain massive amounts of life. Turn-0 Leyline followed by a Bogle is almost unbeatable Game 1.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 2x Growth Spasm 1x Slagstorm 1x Sweltering Suns

Board in --> 2x Damping Sphere 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Roast

You can discard Obstinate Baloths to Reality Smasher’s trigger and cheat them into play for free.

Board out --> 4x Scapeshift 3x Farseek 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Tireless Tracker 1x Anger of the Gods 1x Roast

You can out ramp their land destruction spells, but Blood Moon stops you cold. You need to transform into a G/R midrange deck post-board. Having access to three Forests is a huge boon.

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm 2x Farseek

Board in --> 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Roast 2x Tireless Tracker

End their trip to value town by just killing them with Scapeshift. Watch out for Ghost Quarter + Surgical Extraction games 2 and 3.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Slagstorm 1x Sweltering Suns

Board in --> 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Obstinate Baloth 2x Roast

The sideboard plan is slightly different compared to Grixis Shadow as your Baloths are even worse due to the presence of Tarmogoyf.

Board out --> 3x Primeval Titan 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Anger of the Gods

Difficult matchup game 1 especially on the draw, but post-board you have access to five Obstinate Baloths with Summoner's Pact. Primeval Titans come out since they are too slow (since you need to untap and attack with it, and will often die before you can untap with Titan).

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Roast

Be careful not to get mana screwed off double green by Spreading Seas.

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Roast

You need interaction especially on the draw. Having 11 removal spells post-board helps.

Board out --> 4x Scapeshift 3x Farseek 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Reclamation Sage 2x Roast 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Fracturing Gust

Affinity is usually faster than you are, so post-board you play like a control deck. Roast is clunky but you just need more interaction. You also want to shave Scapeshifts to avoid clogging your hand with win-cons, and often seven-land Scapeshifts will not be lethal since the deck does not deal much damage to itself.

Board out --> 4x Scapeshift 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Slagstorm 1x Sweltering Suns

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Roast 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge

Some players will side out some number of Burning Inquiry due to Obstinate Baloth, but Baloth is still a good blocker that will buy you time. Scapeshifts are shaved to minimize the impact of the multiple Collective Brutality, as well as the incoming Blood Moon(s).

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm 1x Lightning Bolt

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Roast

Some lists play Crumble to Dust so watch out for that post-board.

Board out --> 2x Growth Spasm 2x Summoner's Pact 1x Primeval Titan

Board in --> 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Roast 1x Ancient Grudge

Hope to dodge this matchup. You absolutely need to keep hands with interaction with them or else you will get run over.

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm 1x Slagstorm 1x Farseek 1x Lightning Bolt

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Roast

Their counterspells postboard hit mostly noncreature spells ( Negate or Stubborn Denial) but sometimes they have Disdainful Stroke or Unified Will.

Board out --> 4x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Roast

Note that Wasteland Strangler can process your suspended Search for Tomorrows, but it must always have a target for its -3/-3 effect, including itself. If you ever see a Vial on 1 and they purposely did not tick it up, that signifies Burrenton Forge-Tender.

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Damping Sphere 2x Anger of the Gods

One of the combo decks you do not want to sit across from, as they are way faster than you and have Remand/Unsubstantiate to slow you down. You need to keep them off-balance with a removal spell to the cost-reducer while enacting your own game plan, which can be difficult. Damping Sphere from Dominira will help a lot with this matchup.

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Roast 2x Anger of the Gods

Their combo kill is faster than yours so you need to keep interaction. If you have only one piece, it is sometimes to correct to let their turn-1 mana accelerant live and kill the subsequent Devoted Druid.

Board out --> 2x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 2x Roast 2x Anger of the Gods

The Devoted Druid combo is becoming more popular in these Bant company decks, so budget your removal accordingly. Their counterspell of choice post-board is Unified Will.

Board out --> 1x Slagstorm 1x Sweltering Suns

Board in --> 2x Tireless Tracker

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Anger of the Gods

Board out --> 4x Scapeshift 2x Growth Spasm 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Reclamation Sage 2x Tireless Tracker

Their Blood Moons and counterspells buy them so much time and their combo is just lights-out. Always jam since you can’t afford to give them extra draw steps.

Board out --> 3x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Roast

Sakura-Tribe is amazing against them since it comes back after Living End. Sometimes you can fetch all basics to play around Fulminator Mage. Don’t forget they can disrupt your Scapeshifts with a Beast Within on a Mountain after Scapeshift resolves, so I like to grab seven Mountains + a Valakut if possible.

Board out --> 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Reclamation Sage

A lot of lists are only playing 1 Pact of Negation these days, so you can try to jam multiple win-cons and force them through the Pact. Keep in mind that Spell Pierce seems to be the counterspell of choice these days post-board instead of Swan Song.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 2x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Fracturing Gust 2x Tireless Tracker

One of your worst matchups, you need to hope they stumble game 1. Post-board you can attack their fast mana with artifact destruction.

Board out --> 2x Lightning Bolt 2x Growth Spasm 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 2x Damping Sphere 2x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Fracturing Gust

They are often faster than you and it can be difficult to kill them with a seven-land Scapeshift so they don’t deal damage to themselves with their mana base. Damping Sphere will help a lot with this matchup. Anger of the Gods is worse than Lightning Bolt as they can just sandbag a Scrap Trawler after resolving a KCI.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 1x Reclamation Sage

Another matchup you’re hoping to dodge, don’t forget to bring in Reclamation Sage for any potential Blood Moons or Leyline of Sanctity.

Board out --> 3x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker

Keep Slagstorms if they have Geist of Saint Traft and board in Reclamation Sage if you see Runed Halo.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm 1x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Reclamation Sage

U/W Control has many dead cards against you game 1 and a very slow clock. Apply pressure with Bloodbraid Elf, the occasional Sakura-Tribe Elder, and Valakut triggers, and wait for a window to jam multiple win-cons in one turn (such as double Scapeshift with 8 mana). I probably fear Search for Azcanta the most since it shifts the inevitability back to them. Fracturing Gust can hit Runed Halos, Spreading Seas, and unflipped Search for Azcantas.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Fracturing Gust

Take the draw versus Lantern Control games 2 and 3 because they become longer and grindier, so raw card advantage is more important than taking the play. There is a consensus among the Lantern Control community that being on the draw in this matchup is better than being on the play. You can easily grind them out with Tireless Tracker and your artifact destruction spells. Game 1 is hard since you have no outs to Ensnaring Bridge + Witchbane Orb.

Board out --> 3x Scapeshift 2x Farseek 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Reclamation Sage

You’ll play out like a R/G midrange deck due to the presence of Blood Moon. Fetch green sources and Forests aggressively

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Fracturing Gust

It’s almost impossible to play around Archive Trap, so most of the time just make them have it.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm 1x Farseek 1x Growth Spasm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 1x Reclamation Sage 1x Ancient Grudge 1x Fracturing Gust

Take the draw in this matchup. Ancient Grudge and Fracturing Gust will buy you a lot of time and life against their Rack-effects.

Board out --> 4x Lightning Bolt 2x Farseek 1x Sweltering Suns 1x Slagstorm

Board in --> 3x Obstinate Baloth 2x Tireless Tracker 2x Reclamation Sage 1x fractuting gust

You’ll need to lean on your midrange plan post-board. Sometimes they have the Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion combo post-board.


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Revision 77 See all

(2 years ago)

+2 Arid Mesa main
+2 Explore main
Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 4 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

4 - 3 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.88
Tokens Dwarf 1/1 R, Emblem Wrenn and Six
Folders modern
Ignored suggestions
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