
The Fairest Deck In Modern

I don't always get to play FNM, but when I do, I Jund 'em Out.

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The manabase is pretty stock in most decks. There have been a few decks that cut down on Ravines and add in a Ghost Quarter or Barren Moor for utility, but there isn't much room for improvement in the manabase. A faster deck could run as little as 22 lands while most midrange decks run 23 or 24.

0-1 Barren Moor
3-4 Blackcleave Cliffs
1-2 Blood Crypt
3 Bloodstained Mire
0-2 Blooming Marsh
1-2 Boseiju, Who Endures
1-2 Forest
0-1 Ghost Quarter
0-1 Mountain
0-2 Nurturing Peatland
2 Overgrown Tomb
1-3 Raging Ravine
1 Stomping Ground
2 Swamp
0-1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
0-1 Twilight Mire
0-2 Treetop Village
0-4 Urza's Saga
4 Verdant Catacombs
1 Wooded Foothills
0-1 Ziatora's Proving Ground

Goyf is the primary beat stick in Jund and can quickly grow to a 4/5 by T2 and is usually at least a 2/3 by this point.

Bloodbraid Elffoil
Unless you are running 3 or 4 copies of Dark Confidant, you want 4 copies of BBE. Getting that cascade trigger can present 2 threats at once, making it very difficult for the opponent to deal with.

Dark Confidantfoil
Bob is one of the namesakes of the deck. "Greatness at any cost." Fantastic Card Advantage in slower metas, but in a faster meta, Bob is just too slow. We need to "keep up" on T2 and Bob just doesn't do that. We need Wrenn and Six or Removal here or sometimes just a 2/3 Goyf to not die. Depending on the speed of the meta, Bob can be GREAT or awful. Late game however, Bob is a great card to help Jund grind out a long match.

Scavenging Ooze
Main-deckable GY hate and Goyf #5. It can get kind of clunky if you're running Scooze alongside Seasoned Pyromancer AND Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger. If you decide to go heavy RBx over GBx then I would probably cut it all together. If GY decks are popular in the meta then 2 or 3 is justified. In an unknown meta, pack at least one in the 75.

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
Kroxa is really strong against almost every deck. Forcing the opponent to discard threats over excess lands through burn is great. Especially at 2 Mana Value, not to mention the late game recursion. Added flexibility is available with LotV +1 and/or K-Command. Pitching Kroxa to LotV only to get it back with recursion is fantastic. While not always the card you want to see due to the slight negative synergy with goyf. But you can't beat pseudo Blightning on a stick.

Seasoned Pyromancer
Spyro is a creature that contradicts the typical shell of GBr that is Jund. However it can work but forces you to prioritize fetching red sources over green which can hinder the performance of Scooze. A great grind card late game however.

Klothys, God of Destiny
Repeatable GY hate and life drain. Can be a little clunky with Tarmogoyf but is normally worth the trouble.

Assassin's Trophy
It has its place in the 75, the ramp effect can put this one out of the deck though as depending on the meta, ramping a big mana deck is never a good thing.

Fatal Push
Humans, Merfolk, Spirits, Goblins, Weenie, any meta overrun with small creatures deserves 2 copies of Push. In a slower meta, 1 copy is enough. Don't forget about creature lands!

Lightning Boltfoil
Almost always a 4-of unless Titan & Tron decks are taking over the format. Against aggressive and creature based combo decks, Bolt is cheap removal that can double as late game burn.

Abrupt Decay
Cheap removal that hits a BUNCH of stuff early. Some of the most consistent decks in Modern rely on one or two cards that enable their entire deck. Goblin Electromancer for Storm, Amulet of Vigor for Prime Time, Mesmeric Orb for Mill, and Expedition Map for Tron to name a handful. "Can't be countered" is great against Teferi decks as well. Abrupt Decay is also very strong in the mirror as it hits just about everything that matters.

Kolaghan's Command
Another 3 mana spell that is a real work horse. K-Command can grab a creature back from the yard when you are not drawing any. It can also shatter a problem artifact, or just shock face and discard. A very versatile card in the 75. Not running one is probably a mistake.

Maelstrom Pulse
Sometimes it's the only card that will get the job done. T3 Karn Liberated? T4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor? Murktide Regent? Primeval Titan? It's not perfect but it is a flexible removal spell that can wipe out multiples as well.

Straight up kill spell. No conditions to worry about here. An oldie but goodie in the new Modern, sure there are more versatile or even cheaper removal spells like assassin's trophy or fatal push, but when you need a creature to be dead, Terminate is there. Great for Primeval Titan, Eldrazi, anything over 4 Mana Value really.

Wrenn and Six
Depending on how you build the deck, you may need more consistent mana fixing. In that case 3 is best to increase the availability of fetch lands early on. It's also great against x/1 creature heavy decks like Humans. Pulling off this ultimate can be difficult but is a surefire win con in the event you are able to make the emblem. (Keep those burn spells when you escape Kroxa

Liliana of the Veil
LotV can put the opponent on their heels if we out tempo them. Discard followed by removal/Card Advantage followed by LotV is back breaking against aggressive strategies. This also allows us to quickly put the game into a top deck. Jund Midrange has access to some of the most powerful spells in Magic and this game state is usually enough to lead to victory.

Inquisition of Kozilek
Better than Thoughtseize in an aggressive meta as the 2 life from Thoughtseize works against us. Worse against Big Mana decks as it doesn't really hit much.

Two copies is typically what you want here. However, when the format is playing "big" spells like Prime Time and the like, a 3/3 split on discard is better suited to handle big mana decks.

This build of Jund tends to get a lot of lands in play, especially with Wrenn and Six. Banefire is a late-game mana sink when you just need to get the last few points of damage through. It is great against grindy control match-ups since it can't be countered at X=5+. It can kill bigger threats than lightning bolt in a pinch. And on top of all of that, it's only 1 damage when Bobfoil flips it.

Huntmaster of the Fells  
On the same line of thought as Kalitas here. Huntmaster is great in a heavy burn meta and the additional body is a good way to stabilize. By making use of Raging Ravine to avoid casting spells, you can control exactly when it transforms back and forth.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Similar to Scooze, Kalitas offers main-deckable gy hate. The lifelink is no joke on this one and building an army of zombies in the process is all upside. A burn heavy meta could make this a worthwhile tech piece in the 75. Downside is it doesn't come in on BBE's cascade and can be too little too late when something more immediate is needed.

Klothys, God of Destiny
If the time is there, Klothys can be a reliable source of life gain that is difficult for many decks to remove since it's usually not a creature in a GBx build. Being Legendary and on the slower side, one copy is best if any. The 3 mana slot can be cluttered with LotV, K-Command, Spyro, Pulse, and Klothys. Finding the right mix is crucial. 6-7 slots at 3 cmc is ideal.

Dauthi Voidwalker
Great against big mana decks while doubling as maindeckable hate for graveyard/recursion decks. A liability against aggro as not being able to block is to detrimental. Better in the SB to tame graveyard decks.

Maindeckable Graveyard and Mill hate on a body with flash and flexibility. Although this could be MB, most likely this is a SB card.

Nurturing Peatland
A painland that can be sac'd for card draw. Peatland also provides a mini-engine with Wrenn and Six to turn late game duds into a second chance.

Urza's Saga
A toolbox card to fetch SB hate. Doesn;t produce colored mana so it would have to go in for a utility land like Ravine or Peatland. If you run Ghost Quarter, I wouldn't run Saga as well. One or the other as the manabase is already pretty strained in most builds.

Grist, the Hunger Tide
Can produce a blocker or destroy a problem creature or planeswalker. Cut 1 or 2 LotV to make room for Grist. The ultimate is pretty solid as well to finish off the last handful of lifepoints.

A purely win more card. An opening hand nut draw is possible here, but at 4 MV it competes with BBE and only gets worse as the game goes on. Having menace can be relevant. This card really shines in an heavy discard shell like 8-Rack.

Tourach, Dread Cantor
Hymn to tourach with a 4/3 body for 1BBB. Other than that, I'd rather have Confidant in play T2. Also, cascading into Tourach shuts off the kicker. The +1/+1 trigger is solid if you can stick Tourach early and curve into LotV.

Ignoble Hierarch
It can help beat other Goyfs and help cast the top end spells like BBE and escaping Kroxa. Just not a necessary card in Midrange as the T1 discard is more vital.

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
An aggressive card that needs a clear board to swing into. Exiling a card and getting Treasure is a strong effect, but the gameplay required to do, strips Jund of it's hand disruption to make room for the 2/1. In an aggressive Zoo strategy this would be better positioned.

Riveteers Charm
A flexible card with every mode being relevant in Modern. Exiling 3 cards on your opponents turn is great card advantage and normally how this card is best utilized.

Soul of Windgrace
Pairs nicely with Wrenn and Six. With respectable stats and a list of relevant abilities, this could fit nicely in the right build.

Abrupt Decay
Aggro, Control

Alpine Moon
Big Mana

Ancient Grudge
Affinity, Mill

Anger of the Gods
Tokens, Tribal

Ashiok, Dream Render
Primeval Titan, Tron, Dredge

Assassin's Trophy
Tron, Control

Blood Moon
Big Mana, Niv Mizzet

Control, Storm

Storm, Prowess, Cascade

Cleansing Wildfire
Tron, Big Mana

Collective Brutality
Burn, Control

Collector Ouphe
Tron, Affinity, Heliod

Tokens, Tribal

Damping Sphere
Storm, Prowess, Cascade

Dauthi Voidwalker
GBx, Dredge, Storm

Control, Tron

Graveyard, Mill, Storm, Control

Engineered Explosives
Tokens, Tribal

Fatal Push
Aggro, Tribal

Fulminator Mage
Tron, Jund, Niv-Mizzet

Gaea's Blessing
Mill, Dredge

Huntmaster of the Fells  
Burn, Aggro, Jund

Grafdigger's Cage

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Dredge, Aristocrats, Burn

Kitchen Finksfoil
Burn, Aggro, Jund

Klothys, God of Destiny
Burn, Dredge, Jund, Prowess, Aggro

Kolaghan's Command
Jund, Titan, Affinity

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
Jund, Discard, Control

Leyline of the Void
GBx, Dredge, Storm, Prowess

Maelstrom Pulse
Tron, Jund, PRimeval Titan

Nihil Spellbomb
GBx, Dredge

Nissa, Vital Force
Jund, GBx, Control

Tron, Big Mana

Plague Engineer
Tribal, Aggro, Aristocrats, Prowess

Scavenging Ooze
Dredge, Burn, Jund, Prowess, Aggro, Storm

Seasoned Pyromancer
Control, Jund

Surgical Extraction
Tron, Heliod, Combo, Storm

Eldrazi, Big Mana

Burn, Jund, Big Mana

Thrun, the Last Troll
Control, Jund

Tourach, Dread Cantor
Control, Humans, Jund

Vraska, Golgari Queen
Jund, GBx, Prowess

Weather the Storm
Burn, Storm, Prowess


Make use of early discard spells to see what you're up against and plan accordingly. Pick the threat that you need to stick to win the game and run out everything else ahead of it. Keep the board state relatively clear until you can stabilize a threat.

By the time you are able to resolve and stabilize a board presence, ideally your opponent is running out of things to do and getting closer and closer to top deck mode. Focus on keeping their resources to a minimum and eliminate anything that can spiral out of hand with 1-for-1 removal.

Certain match-ups like UW control, Grixis, GBx, BW Tokens, pretty much any deck that is willing to interact can become a back and forth attrition war. The longer the game goes on however, the Jund player will usually have the better top deck. Sticking a LotV, Kroxa, BBE, or even just a massive 6/7 Goyf can swing the game in our favor. However a stable planeswalker like Teferi can really be difficult to get through. Hold multiple spells against blue decks to fight through counter magic.

Turn creatures sideways and throw your burn spells at them until they are dead. This is usually how the game ends for a Jund victory. Winning with combat damage is where the "Fairness" of Jund shines. No flashy gimmick, combo, or alternate win-con. Just straight up combat damage.

Budget Alternatives

Although skimping on the build isn't really advised with Tarmogoyf needing to be fed all of the different card types, you could budget the manabase and maybe go light on LotV, but the deck will suffer pretty noticeably. I would avoid painlands if you go this route and focus more on check lands, shocklands, and fastlands. A couple scrylands could help, but you really need to have all the colors early and untapped.

I've made a deck that stays in the $250 range and still has the same Attrition, Card Advantage, Beat down, and Control feel. I won't sugar coat this. Jund is not a cheap deck to build. If you have any doubt in your mind about wanting to play this archetype, I highly suggest one of the following options before you jump on the train.


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I'm sticking with the traditional midrange build of Jund with a few flex spots. Currently running Dark Confidantfoil over Seasoned Pyromancer. I'm also running a more stock list of lands with 3 Raging Ravine and a second Forestfoil over cards like Barren Moor or basic Mountainfoil. I like the removal mix right where it's at and the discard package is pretty stock as well. Sideboard is geared towards Amulet, Tron, and Dredge for now with a splash for Burn, Storm and Spirits/Tribal. Check out the list. Comments/Suggestions are always appreciated. CHEERS!

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98% Competitive

Revision 287 See all

(9 months ago)

+2 Abrupt Decay main
-1 Banefire main
+1 Bloodbraid Elf main
-1 Dark Confidant main
-1 Fatal Push main
+1 Klothys, God of Destiny main
-1 Kolaghan's Command main
-1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger main
+3 Nethergoyf main
-1 Riveteers Charm main
-1 Scavenging Ooze main
-1 The Stone Brain side
+1 Thoughtseize main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 4 Mythic Rares

26 - 5 Rares

9 - 4 Uncommons

2 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.89
Tokens Emblem Wrenn and Six
Folders To Build, Jund Ideas, Cool Decks, JUND (Modern/Standard), Sweet Decks, modern, Modern Reference, My decks, Lantern Test, Modern Meta
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