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Beginning with card advantage which is broken into two sections, card draw and card selection/recursion. Card draw being cards that draw you deeper into the deck and card selection/recursion being cards that generate more value when they are used, or filter cards in the deck through some sort of manipulation.

Our second category is ramp, generally speaking ramp is anything that generates more mana ahead of playing one land per turn. Something that reduces the cost of a large enough number of spells in your deck (generally 30% of greater). Lastly these spells generally have to cost less than 4 CMC with a few exceptions so no not gilded lotus, thran dynamo etc. Except if you can abuse them in a consistent way to generate a lot of mana.

Third is removal, which is broken down into two categories, single target removal and mass removal. Single target removal is a spell or effect that hits 1 to 4 things on average or only trigger once where as a wrath is a spell that says “Destroy all” or “Exile all” or “Sacrifice all” these are also called world effects and these are spells that hit all artifacts, enchantments, creatures etc.

Getting into the meat of the deck we are going to cover three different categories of cards which are stand-alone cards, enhancers and enablers. After the first three primary benchmarks, these are the cards that makeup the primary theme or strategy of you deck. Standalone cards are spells or in some cases lands that do something on their own within the strategy or your deck they generally work in concert with your commander but can be cards that do something powerful on their own. Enhancers are spells or lands that like the name suggests enhance the strategy of your deck but do not have an immediate impact on their own. Lastly enablers are cards that fill a gap in your strategy or cover a possible weakness of your deck. Typically more single target single use removal spells are in this category because they deal with problematic permanents your opponents control. Enablers typically can only give a finite amount of advantage and once it has been used you cannot get more advantage from that spell or permanent. Also these cards aren’t necessarily along the main strategy of the deck. Now that all of these categories have been covered we will go over each one of these as they pertain to this deck.

Mizzix XXX is a U/R combo control deck much more heavily skewed toward blue control. The core win condition of the deck is to use Firemind's Foresight in order to tutor up your win condition at instant speed and the most opportune time. The infinite loop combo is Fall of the Titans + Reiterate + Reset the way the combo works is on your opponent's turn you cast Firemind's Foresight Tutoring all three pieces of the combo cast Reset and hold priority then cast Reiterate with buyback targeting reset allow the copy to resolve then float all the mana in between the Fall of the Titans for the win!

Blue Sun's Zenith : Amongst the best card draw spells in blue, I include this card as a standalone cause it shuffles itself back into the deck to be drawn or tutored for later.

Capsize : Repeatable bound in this deck that hits any permanent in the late game if your combo is disrupted you can use this in conjunction with one of the token producers in the deck and Spell Burst to counter all of your opponent’s spells and bounce all of their permanents.

Spell Burst : Counters any spell and is the only one with buyback gives you amazing control in the late game it allows you to keep up with bigger decks in the late game.

Mystic Confluence : One of the most flexible cards in this deck, being able to counter, bounce and draw cards and is a very good recursion target for more value.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   : Being a looter and early creature filtering your draws and filling your graveyard with either spells you don’t need but can cast later or pitching lands in a mana flood makes this card particularly potent. Note: on his planeswalker side you almost never hit his ultimate but it is possible but the right way to play the card is to plus up and use his minus in that order to keep the board under control by preventing damage and reusing spells you discarded or cast earlier in the game.

Ral, Izzet Viceroy : In this deck Ral is a jewel replacing Keranos having a better draw effect and a removal effect that hits a broad variety of cards in addition his ultimate is an inevitable win condition.

Talrand, Sky Summoner : The better version of young pyromancer, in the whole process of controlling the board with your removal suite getting 2/2 flying drakes giving you some protection from go wide strategies, pressure planeswalkers, and apply pressure to your opponents makes this a very powerful card.

Metallurgic Summonings : My personal favorite card in this deck abusing your X spells and getting huge constructs every time you cast any spell allows you to go on the offense very fast, and if for some reason you run out of gas it allows you to rebuy all of the spells in your graveyard.

Reset : The primary combo piece of the deck that doesn’t have very much use outside of the loop this card is completely dead when you don’t have the win. You need to use cards like brainstorm to put this card back into your deck so that way you can keep it safe from wheel effects and the like.

Lightning Greaves / Swiftfoot Boots : The only reason these are really in the deck is to protect Mizzix from getting hit by spot removal, it also has a corner case of protecting Talrand as well.


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92% Competitive

Revision 40 See all

(3 years ago)

-1 Aetherspouts main
+1 Aetherspouts main
+1 Reinterpret maybe
Date added 9 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Construct X/X C, Drake 2/2 U, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Emblem Ral, Izzet Viceroy, Experience Token, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders EDH
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