These are generally too inefficient to be included in a more tuned list, but are great options for a budget build. Prismatic Lens is a 2 mana rock that ETB's untapped, but only tapping for colourless on its own in a deck with quite heavy colour requirements is a downside. Sphere of the Suns is fairly mediocre (both ETBing tapped and offering a limited amount of mana) but provides mana fixing when you need it the most. Star Compass will function better than Prismatic Lens in this deck, as it will generally tap for both of your colours in a budget build and its only downside is that it ETB's tapped. Walking Atlas is a serious consideration in any but the most tuned builds, as the amount of card draw a typical Feather, the Redeemed deck runs means that you'll usually have extra lands in hand; also of note is that it comboes well with other cards that put lands in your hand such as Land Tax, Tithe, Weathered Wayfarer, Gift of Estates, Journeyer's Kite, Oreskos Explorer, Thaumatic Compass
, and Endless Atlas. Boros Locket and Commander's Sphere tap for both of your colours and allow you to cash them in for cards later on when needed. Firemind Vessel functions as a budget Gilded Lotus that ETB's tapped.