Adaptation of Mark Kinney's mono black aggro deck from a PPTQ.
The deck doesn't play as fast as a mono red aggro deck, but has creatures with a little larger power and with better kill spells that can outlast decks into later rounds. Mono red aggro tends to play well if you can quickly kill your opponents, but when manna becomes a problem, creatures become scarce, or you get into later rounds, red will take an opponent down to 3 life and then fails against decks with large creatures, dragons, etc. This deck is a little more patient but includes some pretty cool tricks.
Tormented Hero, Bloodsoaked Champion and Mardu Shadowspear are one drop creatures to try to put out first for quick strikes. Mardu Shadowspear has the great ability that the opponent loses a life each time it attacks so you get double the attack. Also, you can dash with Mardu in later rounds and still use this ability. Bloodsoaked Champion has the great ability of Raid and can be put back into the battle field from your graveyard.
Blood-Chin Rager is a two drop creature. Blood-Chin Rager allows all the creatures in this deck to be unblockable accept by two or more.
Blood-Chin Fanatic, Mardu Strike Leader, and Mogis's Marauder are the 3 drop creatures. Blood-Chin Fanatic works great in later rounds to sacrifice in order to take out the final life points of the opponent. Also, a great 3/3 striker. Mardu Strike Leader keeps adding 2/1 warriors to the battlefield each time it strikes. Combined with Blood-Chin Rager this guys can do some major damage. Mogis's Marauder gives all your target creatures intimidate and haste depending on your devotion. Great late playing creature.
Obelisk of Urd just adds insult to injury providing all creatures of a certain color, black duh!, to get +2/+2.
Bile Blight and Hero's Downfall are great kill spells for other creatures especially if they get too big too fast.
Sign in Blood allows you to take cards for when you need the extra boost.
Master of the Feast is a 3 drop defense against flyers.
SideboardDuress and if you can afford it Thoughtseize are great additions if you want to look at your opponents hand and are getting killed with enchantments. For round 2 play, you can dismantle your opponents hand if you know what to look for. take out 2 of the Sign in Blood and replace it with these cards.
Erebos, God of the Dead plays really for the ability to shut off lifeline more than as a creature. But if you get to play him as an enchantment and then later get to use him as a creature, all the more better. You get an indestructible and the ability to draw a card.
Foul-Tongue Shriek works great for later rounds to just do some extra damage with warriors on the field.
If flyers aren't a problem you can sideboard 2 or all of Master of the Feast for Minister of Pain for token removal. Even with the life loss, the 5/3 hits hard and has the ability to dash.
Self-Inflicted Wound works great against green or white devotion decks.
Tainted Remedy is the new Origins addition. It works the same as Erebos, Go of the dead but instead of just blocking life, it takes it away. It's not as indestructible as Erebos, but still can do the damage against Whip of Erebos and other White creature abilities.
Ultimate Price works great against mono colored decks like red aggro. Great for taking out Goblin Rabblemaster or Goblin Piledriver.
Virulent Plague works great against Hornet Nest or Abzan Midrange decks with Sorin, Solemn Visitor decks to destroy those nasty little buggers.