When Sphinx's Revelation was around in standard few years ago, I enjoyed the deck so much for more than a year, and draw-go style of control has always been my go-to ever since then. Now that Pull from Tomorrow has been printed, it reminded me of those moments, and decided to make an EDH version of it.As you will see throughout my post, it resembles a lot of Theros/Ravnica sphinx control: tons of instant removal and boardwipe backed by counterspell, with minimum number of wincons. Some EDH adaptations (artifact/enchantment hate, ramp, tutor) were added, but the core still remains the same.
Please be noted that . There are better decklists already out there, if that's what you're looking for.
Why Kynaios & Tiro?
- This merry couple gives you access to , which adds ramp to Jeskai control, or spicier removals for bant control.
- They are the perfect niche general for the draw-go deck: It lets you ramp and gain card advantage while providing a huge blocker that almost no creature can pass through until late game.
- Compared to other combination of general(s) for 4C or 5C, they draw very little aggro while fitting perfectly into a control shell. The fact that they benefit makes it easier to dodge the hate, unlike Breya, Etherium Shaper or Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
Should I play this deck?
You may like this deck if:
- You want to sit at the back as an arbiter of the game, and you don't mind having long game.
- You like to play 4C/5C in EDH, but you don't like in your mana - or also provides amazing card selection (probably better), but it is my personal preference to choose this colour over them.
- You want to have some control over the game, and you don't want to get hated for playing overpowered cards to do so.
You may not like this deck if:
- You prefer to slam creatures and wincons rather than countering their creatures and wincons
- You want a nice, quick end to the game with combo or beatdown
- You hate to deal with keeping track of your mana's colour at all times
- Immune to artifact/enchantment hate: The deck isn't dependant on pillowfort or mana rocks, so you don't lose a lot from opponent's Decimate or Fracturing Gust.
- Versatile removals: The majority of the removals featured in this deck provides lots of options to pick from, which esper variant doesn't offer.
- Room for politics: Other than Jace, the Mind Sculptor, I've intentionally avoided to use overpowered, hate-drawing cards like Consecrated Sphinx, Time Walk-variant, or Burgeoning. Whether you become allies to your friends or become tyrant is totally up to you.
- Low on defense: This isn't a pillowfort, and the deck doesn't provide much other than the general for early defense. Once they're out, you can easily get overrun if you're being picked.
- Few wincons: Just like all other draw-go decks, there are very few spells that can outright win the game by itself. You might run into situation where you have a full control over the board without any mean to win.
Early game
At this point of the game, there are very little that this deck can do. Try to focus on cycling cantrips, ramp up, and cast general for a good body shield.
Mid game
You're still trying to build your mana up for late game, while interrupting other players from going crazy. Try not to waste too much counterspell at this stage, and clean the board as you see fit.
Try to remain low profile. You can be crushed pretty fast if hate is drawn on you, so don't try to slam that JTMS in your hand until you have the control.
Always be safe. If something can go wrong, assume that it will.
Late game
Hopefully, you are now in the driver's seat. Keep an eye onto the board, while you load your hand with counterspells and removals. Stealing the opponent's wincon with Gilded Drake or Clone-variant cards can be nice.
Once you think you're ready to pick the fight with your fully loaded hand, slam your wincon and slowly chip away your opponent.
Signature cards
- Avenger of Zendikar: easiest spell to slam and win the game once you're in control. Elspeth, Sun's Champion fills the similar role, but is far slower than this.
- Mystical Tutor, Merchant Scroll, Muddle the Mixture: cheap tutor spells that can tutor a huge selection of cards.
- Firemind's Foresight: My personal favourite tutor spell. The deck is designed such that this spell has an access to a huge selection of toolbox spells. More to be described later.
- Dawn: best boardwipe for this deck. Excluding two fat creatures, Dusk dodges all of my creatures, and Dawn can bring all of them back. All creatures either have EtB effect or sac ability, so this card can bring a huge amount of value.
- Sphinx's Revelation, Blue Sun's Zenith, Pull from Tomorrow: the core engine of this deck to refuel the cards you need. They can also be fetched by all tutor spells in the deck.
Niv-mizzet Shenanigans
As described above, Firemind's Foresight has an amazing potential that grants you almost any type of spells you need. Here are the list of spells that you can grab:
- Creature removal: Path to Exile(cmc 1), Swords to Plowshares(cmc 1)
- Boardwipe: Starstorm(cmc 2), Cyclonic Rift(cmc 2)
- Counterspell: Swan Song(cmc 1), Muddle the Mixture(cmc 2), Counterspell(cmc 2), Exclude(cmc 3), Disallow(cmc 3)
- Noncreature removal: Wear(cmc 1/2), Beast Within(cmc 3), Krosan Grip(cmc 3)
- Tutor: Mystical Tutor(cmc 1), Muddle the Mixture(cmc 2)
- Big draw spells: Pull from Tomorrow(cmc 2), Blue Sun's Zenith(cmc 3), Sphinx's Revelation(cmc 3)
- Small cantrips: Brainstorm(cmc 1), Impulse(cmc 2)
Isn't this amazing?
Alternative cards
Although there are hundreds of them available, I will only mention few:
- Decimate: Simply amazing card. In a pod of 4, you can easily find all targets.
- Commit: A decent cards from new set, but the other cards were simply better.
- Ancient Grudge: If you need more artifact hate & if you find yourself discarding often at EoT
- Chaos Warp: Removes ANY permanent, ignores indestructible. Fantastic card.
- Unexpectedly Absent: Decent card similar to above, can fit into CMC 2 slot for tutor.
- Think Twice, Desperate Ravings: If you want even more instant cantrips with flashbacks
- Moment's Peace: One card, two Fog. Definately can save your life.
- Seeds of Renewal: Definately can replace Eternal Witness, but I haven't tested it.
- Bring to Light: There are tons of spells to grab, but this deck is more focused for instant-speed spells.
- Mystic Confluence: Counterspell, pseudo-removal, and draw spell all-in one package. I wish I had it ;-;
- Bant Charm: Fairly versatile card, but I can't find a room for cmc 3 instants.
- Kiora, the Crashing Wave: You have your fat general in front of you, so might as well ramp up more.
- Torrential Gearhulk: Amazing card, but I don't wanna spend $30 on standard card.
- Amonkhet cycle lands(Irregated Farmland, etc): same reason as above.
Have fun!