Edited Name to say Modern. (Used to be standard)
12/10/14 - 300!
12/27/13 Update - 200!!! Thanks everyone I really think this is a lot of fun and its cool to know people have tried it all over the world (at least 1 guy in France)! If 1 or 2 cards come into the format to make this just a bit better it could become a viable pro circuit deck.
5/0 FNM!!! My first time 5/0 and it feels so good to see the typical 45 min matches be over in 15 when i lock out YOUR control. I put the control decks to shame. 30 people present.
First match: Mono Green devotion. Won 2/1 i was worried about the ramp but made it.
2nd: Gruul midrange big creatures. Locked him out on land both times. Blowing away his Elvish Mystic with a Mizzium. He laughed then but not when I won.
3rd: Black Blue control. Landlocked it took the whole time but EmberSwallower shined like a beauty.
4th, 5th: Blue White Black Control both 2/0 they seemed mad they couldnt get to 5 mana EVER. No AEtherling for you.
Why look for a way to stop the big creatures when there already on the field when you can stop them from hitting the field all together?
Bramblecrush Land or the sometimes Plainswalker.
Mostly just land.
Ember Swallower
Turn 3 getting him out and turn 4 monstrousing him, sacrificing 3 land they on their turn 4 will start the turn with 0 lands and you have a 7/8 on the field.
Frenzied Tilling
Destroy and ramp.
Lightning Strike Magma Jet Mizzium Mortars are just your creature control to get their lands out or player damage once you have lands under control.
Most of the other cards are self explanatory either ramp or land destroy.
Peak Eruption
Is a KEY card to put in if they are running mountains. After the first match if they're running Red I'd lose
Voyaging Satyr
Frenzied Tilling
, as Peak eruption is much faster then frenzied tilling and can get them on MY turn 2. Polukranos is not as important if I can get land destroy and limit them to their 2 and 1 mana drops. My Sylvan Caryatid and Xenagos tokens are all I need to hold out against aggro type.
Hammer of Purphoros
For Golgari and other creature control heavy decks. I also swapped Hammers for Polukranos, World Eater Against Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to limit the creatures they could use against me.
Deathrite Shaman little life gain and using their land to help ramp. Better against Aggro, but aggro using red also get smashed with Peak Eruption.
Anger of the Gods for mass creature counters.
is a great answer for
Angel of Serenity
Archangel of Thune
Aurelia, the Warleader
Stormbreath Dragon
Desecration Demon
Nightveil Specter to name a few of the key players.