Exactly as the name portrays......
The idea is to abuse Treasure Hunt. Having 9 nonland cards should prove worthy of using treasure hunt. The man lands will hold down the board along with Mystifying Maze. Being that on T2 you can play a summer bloom dropping mystifying maze and pop it off T3 seems useful to me.
Ok card breakdown
Manlands are pretty self explanitory. Win condition and alot of them.
Mystifying Maze is here to deal with those pesky Tarmagoyf's
Safe Haven Definately just a protection card for my stuff but really affective in this setting.
Ad Nauseam instant speed grab as much as my deck as i want having at most 21 life to be lost if only nonland card not in my deck is the cast ad nauseam. Then drop a bunch of manlands and swing to victory dropping another manland each turn.
I use
Mana Confluence
sparingly but fuels me very well as an untapped U G or B.
Summer Bloom
Is a necessity and pretty devastating to get made to discard it.
Treasure Hunt Is abused to the max degree in this deck and can create some really interesting situations. Ideally you do not play this T2 but rather T3 before a land drop so you can play a reliquary when you inevitably reveal droves of land from the top of your deck.
Now yes this is really damaged by early game interaction but you better have it is how Ive learned to Play.
Mulligan to summer bloom or treasure hunt and land to play it and roll on without worry!
Just either threaten the manlands or swing them to victory!
Stupid funny to play check it out!