
With the new Pioneer format there are some funny and spicy brews, and one of the brwes that I liked so much is Soulflayer decks!

The deck is divided in:

  • Deathrite Shaman: In pioneer the Shaman is't good like in older formats, because this is a fetchless format (I'm happy for this). But Deathrite ir really good in decks that fill the graveyard quickly like that.

  • Sylvan Caryatid: Is one of the best mana dorks of Pioneer actually. And a very important thing is that has Hexproof, that is very good for a mana dork, but also is the only card in the deck that can give Hexproof to Soulflayer.

  • Stitcher's Supplier: Really, this is the best self-mill card of pioneer, and of the bests of modern (hello Hedron Crab), and that is because paying only one single black mana we can put up to 6 cards in our graveyard from the top of our library, that is an insane value in decks like that.

  • Satyr Wayfinder: Another efficient self-mill card, that can help us to find lands.

  • Grisly Salvage: It has an effect similar to the Satyr ability, but with this also we can get important creatures.

  • Lotleth Troll: Essential creature that can help us to discard creatures that we dont need in our hand (making them targets for Soulflayer), growing itself to be a considerable threat. Also can give trample to Soulflayer if its in the graveyard (that sometimes is more important than it seems).

  • Soulflayer: The base of the deck. The idea is to make this vanilla 4/4 into a very dangerous threat.

  • Find / Finality: This is only here for Finf, that can help us to get Soulflayer if it goes to the graveyard, or sometimes other useful creatures.

This is a very simple sideboard:

Thas is all! You like the deck? Any suggestion? Tell me in the comments!


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 1 Mythic Rares

22 - 8 Rares

4 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.28
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