Faerie Control. Stop your opponent playing everything while simultaneously dropping irritating little critters.
You will ideally have a turn 1 Faerie Miscreant. Miscreant makes a good target for Ninja of the Deep Hours or Will allow Spellstutter Sprite to counter a 2 CMC spell on Turn 2.
Ninja of the Deep Hours's allows you to reuse the ETB of your evasive Faries with Ninjutsu and drawing a puts you ahead on card advantage.
Deputy of Acquittals Will rescue creatures from removal or just provide a good body in a pinch. Flash creatures allow you to hold up countermagic in the form of Counterspell or Spellstutter Sprite.
Your beaters come in the form of Briarberry Cohort and Pestermite. The Cohort is almost always going to be 2 power, and Pestermite will come down and tap down the most problematic creature on your opponents side before combat. Allowing you to get in, and rescuing you from potential face beating problems.
Snap + Spellstutter Sprite gives you a major tempo advantage if you play it in an opponent's turn; removing a blocker and countering a spell. Snap or Momentary Blink Spellstutter to counter spells, or 'Blink on any other creature to reuse the ETB effect.
Journey to Nowhere Is there deal with larger threats that you couldn't counter. Most threats can be dealt with by countering it or tapping with Pestermite.
The deck wins by using bounce spells like Snap and Vapor Snag to remove blockers, swarming in with a bunch of evasive creatures and countering the problems. You can out-value your opponent by reusing Spellstutter Sprite and Pestermite with Snap, Ninja of the Deep Hours, Momentary Blink, Deputy of Aquittals and (if you're in a pinch) Vapor Snag. If you're allowed to go into the late game with more than 2 cards in hand, you're often able to counter everything nasty with a fast clock on board. 1 or 2 power is not much, but adds up fast when your opponent can't block and is hesitating to play any spells.