came in #3rd out of 48 people. only had 1 game loss heading into the final round
ROUND #1: Simic Evolve 2 - 0
GAME1 This guy's deck wasn't really competitive. a few Cloudfin Raptor and Renegade Krasis weren't enough to handle my army.
GAME2 didn't sideboard at all and won easily again. Quickest matchup of the night.
ROUND #2: Jund Monsters 2 - 0
GAME1 He got me close game 1. i took out 2 of his Domri Rade but then he overloaded Mizzium Mortars and got me quite low on life. I was able to stabilize and once i got Ephara, God of the Polis online, it was over quickly.
GAME2 subbed in Doom Blade for Far / Away and won rather quickly after his Stormbreath Dragon ate the blade
ROUND #3: Mono Black Devotion 2 - 1
GAME1 this was the most fun matchup of the night. we went back and forth with creatures and removal, but Elspeth, Sun's Champion proved to be too much in the end.
GAME2 i got double Thoughtseize'd and 2 Lifebane Zombie took Ephara and and Obzedat, Ghost Council all i remember after that is i had a Brimaz, King of Oreskos and a Soldier of the Pantheon out to his single Lifebane Zombie with 7 life left when he was at 1. lifebane unblockable for 3. Gray Merchant of Asphodel for 4. gg.
GAME 3. it was another back and forth war, with my Spear of Heliod taking away an a creature each turn. we were both top decking for awhile after that coming up with no answers that would stick to the field, i eventually got a Brimaz, King of Oreskos to attack ftw.
ROUND #4: Boros Burn 2 - 0
GAME1 This was my most feared match-up going into the night. Fortunately, i was able to get devotion and not miss a land drop. Attacked with both gods before he was able to burn me to death.
GAME2 same thing as game 1. built an army that was faster than Chandra's Phoenix and face melting.
ROUND #5: Budget Mono Red Aggro "Draft Common's" is what he called it. 1 - 2
GAME1 he was on the play. i lost before i could take my 4th turn. Akroan Crusader + Madcap Skills with Firedrinker Satyr and company. this was a 16 land deck with all 1 & 2 CMC cards. Lightning Strike and Titan's Strength etc. no one was expecting it. not even me.
GAME2 managed to stave off the aggro rush with a pair of Precinct Captain's long enough to get devotion online and attack for the win.
GAME3 he was on the play again and I lost before taking my 4th turn again. gg. i will be builing this deck since it is crazy fast and super cheap to build.
Taking out the 1x Brave the Elements because i didn't use it a single time tonight, and adding a 3rd Far / Away since it's so versatile and effective before side-boarding.
I highly encourage and welcome you comments, critiques, and suggestions. thank you!