Welcome to "Sensei's Citadel" which is a fairly fast storm/combo-deck build around Bolas's Citadel . While it is not the only way to win a game, it is the main differentiator to other decks. The fact, that we are screwed once we hit our second land each turn, leads to some unique deck-building restrictions. Our main combo which will probably end the game is Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top

The first draft (Abzan Citadel Dorkstorm) when the idea came up played a little different compared to this list, but this more or less final list seems more resilient, more efficient and it runs less dead cards.

We want Tymna the Weaver and Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper on the one hand for their colors. On the other hand Tymna will provide significant card advantage which can also be relevant in the turn we go off. She is a staple in cEDH and synergizes quite well with the amount of creatures we run. Ikra Shidiqi, at least for me was a love on second sight. I was pondering with Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa in the first iteration of the build which was also ok, but after testing Ikra Shidiqi I found that I ended up casting her more often than Sidar Kondo. Obviously the lifegain contributes to the gameplan and on top of that, she is a great blocker. Maybe the combination is not the most efficient choice but I wanted to stick to Abzan-colors. While creating the deck I also tried a variant which involved blue using Tymna the Weaver and Thrasios, Triton Hero , but it felt clunky to get to the huge amount of black mana in four colors. On top of that, adding blue provides cantrips and some good other cards, but the power level will not really increase since we cannot run counterspells. For me I found that Abzan-colors is what I really needed but a four color build can also be viable.

Plan A: Resolve Citadel and laser everyone

Our first objective is to get a Bolas's Citel into play which will win us the game in 9 out of 10 games the turn it comes down. Ideally it is protected by a City of Solitude -effect. In case we have a way to remove our lands from top of our library we just have to find Aetherflux Reservoir in order to laser everyone for 50. The amount of tutors and the presence of cards like Children of Korlis let us find the Reservoir before we are dead. Noteworthy cards on our way to victory are:

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Plan B: The Ad Naus

Our second win-con is to draw our deck via Ad Nauseam + Angel's Grace . Can be more efficient than the citadel win depending on the situation. Our outlet is Sickening Dreams which unfortunately is sorcery speed. The downside is, that we have to cast Ad Nauseam main phase. But on the other hand we can have our combo protected by our Xantid Swarm or other similar effects.

Plan C: Squirrelcraft

Some games can get very grindy as we suffer a lot from an early Blood Moon or alike. But what is much worse than a Blood Moon are Rule of Law -effects. If we can predict an effect like that, it can be the right play to go for our third win condition: Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest

Our gameplan is pretty much straight forward:
  • Aggressively mulligan into Bolas's Citadel or Tutors. You also want to see some kind of card draw. Necropotence on it's own also makes a hand keepable. On top there should also be ramp, but it is very likely to have some in this build
  • If we find one of the other combo-pieces of our secondary wins in our starting hand we will probably go for that plan
  • We then want to slam a T3 or T4 Citadel for the win. If we anticipate a counter or instant speed artifact-removal it can be rewarding to slow roll and wait for protection
Unfortunately, while being quite fragile to counterspells, we cannot run them by ourselves. For that reason we run a protection suite which will keep our opponents from interacting with our gameplan. This is key to the decks resilience. We use Silence , Autumn's Veil , Defense Grid , Hope of Ghirapur , Grand Abolisher and City of Solitude . While this seems quite a lot, I see those cards as proactive counterspells. How many counterspells would you run in a blue deck?
... Soul Warden -like creatures: The first iteration used to run such cards, but there were almost no games where that lifegain mattered at all, although it was more creature heavy. While the removal of those cards shifted the deck away from the initial "Dorkstorm"-Idea of the deck, it is more resilient and more efficient.

... Doomsday : I tried it but it needed too much specific setup around it to make it work. Insidious Dreams is a strict upgrade in this specific build. A variant with access to blue would make Doomsday more efficient due to the access to catrips and Laboratory Maniac for the win.

... Wayward Swordtooth or in general more cards that can provide extra landdrops: While the dino is basically playable, I don't feel like I need those effects. It even gets worse with Oracle of Mul Daya since the CMC is a bit high for such a concept.

This is very tricky. You could probably cut some expensive cards but in order to make it work you will need tutors and fetchlands. Nevertheless here are some Budget considerations:

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95% Competitive

Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

55 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.72
Tokens Spirit 1/1 C, Squirrel 1/1 G, Treasure
Folders interesting decks, cEDH, Competitive decks
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