
Despite the name, Siege Rhino is an endangered species and might get the axe for something like Tarmogoyf .

I would like to have 4 Verdant Catacombs but I only own 3.

Tournament Reports

R1: 2-0 against Slivers

R2: 0-2 against RUG Delver

R2: 1-2 against Moon Stompy

R1: 2-0 against Eldrazi Aggro


I was pretty happy overall and my preparation for the Eldrazi Aggro matchup paid off. I think the Delver matchup still favors me, but just couldn't win it. It was nice to not have to play against any combo even though it wasn't any better on the W/L. The two 3-0 decks going into the final round were a Wrenn and Six Maverick variant and an Emry, Lurker of the Loch deck which seemed cool.

In both cases I boarded it in, I wished the Golgari Charm was a Toxic Deluge or a Dead of Winter . With Wrenn and Six making people reconsider 1 toughness creatures, I will probably change those charms to something else.

R1: 0-2 against Slow Depths

R2: 1-2 against Reanimator

R3: 2-1 against Dredge

R4: 2-1 against Reanimator


This was a tough tournament playing against 4 combo decks and I was fortunate to go 2-2. I never got to play Shifting Ceratops and boarded it out actually a few times so more testing is needed there. Likewise, I never played my 2x Ashiok, Dream Render although I boarded them in in every matchup. With the exception of the one misplay I mentioned, I was pretty happy with my play overall. The Lands/Depths matchup especially seemed much better than the last time I played it (same person) although the result was the same.

R1: 0-2 against Infect

R2: 2-0 against Grixis Shadow

R3: 2-0 against 4c Loam

R4: 2-1 against Urza/Karn/Paradoxical-Outcome


I made at least 2 misplays over the games although I think I won the games where I did. I had made a late addition of a 24th land over one of the Trackers and I never had to mulligan so that seemed ok. Archon was great and he ended all 3 games where I resolved him so he seems like exactly what I want in a 6 drop.

R1: 2-0 win against Brain Freeze

This deck uses Archive Trap and Brain Freeze to mill you out. The hymns did work in this matchup.

R2: 0-2 loss to lands

Game 1 was over by turn 3 and I think I needed to mulligan more aggressively for the GY hate especially with London Mulligan in G2.

R3: 2-1 win against Death & Taxes

Deeds were my allstars. G1 on the play he had T1 vial , T2 Thalia , T3 other Thalia and I lost that one.

R4: 1-2 loss to UR Delver

Game 1, I kept a questionable hand without therapy/vet/hymn and he did Delver things. Game 2 was an easy win. Game 3, I kept a hand without a T1 play and got my T2 Hymn countered. I almost stabilized but he drew his sideboarded Sulfuric Vortex which negated the Rhinos. Again, I think I needed to mulligan more aggressively. I think a better pilot could have won this one.


Overall, the Hymns always felt good although there were a couple times that a Thoughtseize might have been a little faster and about as good.

Change History

I think the Ceratops is mostly better than the Rhino and I definitely want to try it. It trades with Gurmag Angler and gets around Baleful Strix . It also more directly counters Jace, the Mind Sculptor and it's a hasty beater that is Zenithable.

These changes were from a combination of goldfishing and feedback on the Nic Fit Discord. Hymn to Tourach is simply more impactful on average than Thoughtseize which I think can come in from the sideboard in matchups that will benefit from it. With Hymn, I also need the extra black sources. Since the curve was raised overall from the last run, I felt an additional land was needed as well especially considering this deck has a couple utility lands in Volrath's Stronghold and Dryad Arbor . The sideboard definitely needed some love and this should help more in the deck's bad matchups.

Sideboard Notes

The key card in Maverick is Knight of the Reliquary although they can really slow you down with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben . KotR is their only creature that can stand remotely toe-to-toe with Nic Fit sized threats. Save removal for KotR and usually name it with Cabal Therapy . You will win this game if they can't overwhelm you early. Deed wipes their board and Dead of Winter clears the Moms .

If you sac a Vet early, you'll probably win. Name Force of Will usually with Therapy unless you know they're running Stifle in which case prioritize that. Play around Daze by not tapping out unless playing something uncounterable and play around Wasteland by fetching basics and you'll have a lot more live cards than they do.

Prioritize Pernicious Deed and Plague Engineer (and recurring it with Eternal Witness ) but this should be a straight-forward matchup. Use removal early until you stabilize and just play creatures that are bigger than theirs. Play around Wasteland by fetching basics. Name Aether Vial T1 on the play with Therapy and either Swords to Plowshares (if you have good sized threats in hand), Phyrexian Revoker (Deed in hand), or Thalia, Guardian of Thraben .

This is a pure value matchup where they are trying to kill you before you can stabilize although this is one of the few decks that can also go over the top with huge threats. Name Thought-Knot Seer with Therapy as most of their explosive hands have that card. Let Veteran Explorer do its best Moat impression as they don't even always run basics. Unless you have reason to suspect All Is Dust typically name Artifact with Archon as it shuts off Walking Ballista , Chalice of the Void , and sometimes Umezawa's Jitte while not affecting anything we have. If they exile Simian Spirit Guide to cast a T1 Chalice , you're typically ahead.

Despite the number of basics in our deck, this has proven to be a tough matchup since they put a lot of pressure on early. What to name with Cabal Therapy depends heavily on what you have in your hand. If you have multiple Therapies and/or Veteran Explorer , you might name Chalice of the Void on the play. With a hand full of fetchlands or other non-basics, you might name Blood Moon or Magus of the Moon . If not, or if you're on the draw, name Goblin Rabblemaster , Chandra, Torch of Defiance , or probably the best is Karn, the Great Creator . If you have some removal like Abrupt Decay , Pernicious Deed , or Path to Exile , lean toward naming the planeswalkers. Save creature removal for Rabblemaster and Legion Warboss while trying to save Assassin's Trophy or planeswalkers.

In this matchup, they have a tendency to go all-in on 1-2 threats so having early answers is key. Wether that is a turn 1 Blood Moon effect, Chalice of the Void , Trinisphere , or Goblin Rabblemaster , or possibly a turn 2 planeswalker, that is their game plan. Mulligan accordingly as losing 1-2 cards for more early interaction is easily worth it. Basics and removal are what you want! Gaddock Teeg does work in this matchup as he can block and kill any of their creatures and stops them from playing planeswalkers. While Veteran Explorer ramps/thins them just as much as us, it is a great blocker and fixes all our mana problems.

Don't overcommit to the board to try to make Terminus a 1 for 1. Veteran Explorer isn't great in this matchup as they run as many basics as we do and have highly efficient cards like Jace. Field of the Dead or Vraska, Golgari Queen are really strong in this matchup.

Just go for value. Save removal for planeswalkers and Gurmag Angler . If the game gets grindy, fetch Scavenging Ooze and remove their instants/sorceries/Snapcasters as they typically run recursion in Kolaghan's Command and Snapcaster Mage as well as delve cards. Bring in Dead of Winter only if you see True-Name Nemesis . Don't bother for just Baleful Strix . Name Force of Will with Therapy.

Similar to Miracles, you don't want to give Stoneblade too many lands and they run lots of basics so Veteran Explorer isn't as good here. Shred their hand by naming Force of Will and True-Name Nemesis although you can also save a Therapy for after Stoneforge Mystic resolves. Gaddock Teeg shuts off Force of Will and Jace, the Mind Sculptor so it's pretty good here (usually by eating a Plow). Field of the Dead does work in this matchup.

In the mirror, you play for pure value. Whoever draws the most cards and the most efficient cards will probably win the game. This changes a bit if they are in a combo variant of Nic Fit but still not too much.

Name Cabal Therapy with your own Therapy on the play which is somewhat counter-intuitive. On the draw, name Green Sun's Zenith which is theirs and our most dangerous 4-of in the deck. Veteran Explorer is bad in this matchup as it is literally part of their game plan. Board them out. If they keep theirs in, they have a card in their deck actively helping you. The Surgicals aren't great from the sideboard but they're better than keeping Vets. Board in more grave hate against Rector variants.

This is the more midrange creature matchup that runs Knight of the Reliquary as its main threat and Loam / Bob as a draw engine. In this matchup, Knight is their key card and removing that with Surgical Extraction will most likely end the game very quickly. Sometimes they run a smaller Dark Depths / Thespian's Stage package but removing even one of either piece will usually shut that off. Save removal for knights, Liliana of the Veil , Wrenn and Six , or very rarely Depths/Stage. Without their knights, they simply have nothing that can stand toe-to-toe with your creatures.

Shred their hand if possible. This is a tough matchup and should be over very fast one way or the other. Therapy should name Show and Tell . If possible, save a Green Sun's Zenith for Knight of Autumn in case they tap out for Sneak Attack .

Get Gaddock Teeg in play ASAP and hope for the best. This matchup is hard. If you're saccing a Vet, you're probably giving them enough mana to go off so don't do it unless you're also shredding their hand or using it get lands to cast Teeg or Collector Ouphe on the same turn. Name Dark Ritual or Lion's Eye Diamond with Cabal Therapy although Internal Tutor isn't bad. A resolved Pernicious Deed can mess with their combo timing and stop Empty the Warrens .

Use removal on your own turn. Deed will win you the game. They only run 12 total infecters so removal is very strong and you can happily trade creature for creature with them. Name Invigorate if you're worried about an explosive start from them or Vines of Vastwood if you have spot removal.

Save surgicals only for Dark Depths or Thespian's Stage . Depths is the primary target as there are other ways to activate Depths besides Stage. Don't bother on Grove of the Burnwillows or Punishing Fire . Bring in Dead of Winter if they are running Dark Confidant , Sylvan Safekeeper , or Vampire Hexmage . Save Assassin's Trophy for Stage after it copies depths. Use Deed on 1 for Mox Diamond and Exploration or use it on their creatures if they aren't creatureless. Always fetch basics to work around Wasteland . Leave in a few Decays even vs. Creatureless as they are good against Exploration and Chalice of the Void and the creatureless build typically boards in Tireless Trackers. Name Crop Rotation with Therapy unless you're sure they're running Exploration then name that.

This is a tough matchup game 1 but prioritize getting Scavenging Ooze and shredding their hand of reanimate spells (prioritize Reanimate over Exhume and Animate Dead ) with Cabal Therapy . They typically don't run enough lands in their entire deck to hard cast any threats so use Veteran Explorer freely.

This is a tough matchup game 1. Prioritize getting Scavenging Ooze to try to hold off their game plan. Sacrifice creatures to get rid of Bridge from Below . For Manaless, Teeg shuts off their spells although it doesn't turn off dredging.

This is one of the few combo matchups that isn't absolutely awful although you need fast interaction or you're dead. Their deck is basically a bunch of mana dorks that they're trying to use to get Craterhoof Behemoth usually via Natural Order or Green Sun's Zenith . Name Natural Order with Therapy as that is in their most explosive hands.

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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 9 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.03
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Clue, Emblem Vraska, Golgari Queen, Experience Token, Zombie 2/2 B
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