The idea of an Active Inaction deck is not my own; it comes from incredibruhahaha and his deck:-27-03-13-2 deck. All of the card choices are original, however, since his deck is nowhere near pauper, and mine is in its entirety.
The idea of the deck is found in the Taoist principle of wu wei, which translates loosely to non-action, but in this case translates more to "without effort" or "effortless action." The only decisions that are made in this deck are really which cards to play from your hand, and beyond this, what follows is natural. This mirrors wu wei, which is defined as doing not what one "should do" but as doing the natural thing. Explanation present because flavor is key in card choice (read more at if interested).
The main strategies of the deck are as follows, with these things done in no particular order:
-Gain life
-Destroy their stuff (flavorfully, of course)
-Get lots of mana
-Play flavorful creatures (ones who aren't particularly meant to attack the opponent, or at least do damage to them)
-Indirectly dwindle their life
The main win condition is still their life being dwindled to zero, which is accomplished through
Granger Guildmage
's red ability (using Axebane Guardian), and Suture Priest. There are also a fair number of cards for maintaining your own life while you wait a long time to win passively (Suture Priest,
Ajani's Mantra
Soul Charmer
And if you're running out of cards to play, there are two Feldon's Cane to help you out there.
Feedback is appreciated. I understand this deck probably isn't very good, but this type of deck and the Pauper format don't go together very well. I just wanted to see what this might look like, so it's really just an experiment.
Nevertheless, I want feedback because I'm working on my deckbuilding skills and this seemed like a good exercise to test those skills on a difficult deck type for Pauper.