First build was a rushed thing on my ipad in a lecture. This is the proper prototype. Has a bit of a nutty, crazy texture with smooth Johnny undertones. Title says it all, but to explain:
The main mechanic is to mill yourself until a couple of [giant adephage]s are in your graveyard. Then using [whip of erebos], bounce them back in, attack, and when they're exiled, they'll leave behind tokens (ability) and life (the whip). This allows the play of a heavy creature at almost half mana price, making for an early bomb.
There's a bit of ramp going on that i'm not sure is necessary with [elvish mystic] and [sylvan caryatid], but I'll see what happens and if I don't like it I might substitute more [nighthowler]s or something else.
[golgari charm], [putrefy], [ranger's guile], [naturalize] and [duress] provides a broad-spectrum defence against most spells, on and off the field. [duress] is especially important in removing enchantment counters, as [whip of erebos] is the star player in this deck and its destruction would significantly drop this deck's fear factor.
The sideboard also feels reasonably versatile in adapting the main deck for more specific encounters.
I'll update this after a proxy test. Any feedback is more than appreciated.