
Enchantment (6)

Sorcery (3)

Creature (1)


Artifact (1)

Green/white mid-range deck built around the revolt mechanic. I say mid-range even though all the creaters are 3CMC or less because this isn't really a quick aggro deck meant to turn every creature sideways each turn. This deck is built for the long-haul by turning your small creatures into fatties and being resilient into the late-game.

Main Board

Aethergeode Miner is the star in this deck because he can attack and trigger revolt each turn, pumping Call for Unity and getting free stuff with Aid from the Cowl. Woodweaver's Puzzleknot keeps the energy flowing and gives a nice life boost while acting as an additional friendly way to trigger revolt. Eerie Interlude is a great instant-speed spell to keep your creatures alive in a blocking scenario while still keeping with the deck theme. Ajani, Valiant Protector is another great way to buff your creatures, especially Solemn Recruit , who can quickly get out of hand.Renegade Rallier gives this deck some resilience by either returning creatures or puzzleknots to the field from the yard. Thopter Arrest acts as this deck's only main-board removal.

Side Board

  • First I grabbed an extra Call for Unity if you're up against a deck that has access to enchantment removal. This is a bread-and-butter card so you need to make sure you can get one to resolve and stick.
  • Clip Wings is necessary as this deck is vulnerable to fliers.
  • Obviously artifacts are going to be a big deal in this set. Consulate Crackdown and Decommission help take care of those.
  • Heroic Intervention is a great card against removal decks and can help keep your enchantments on the field for longer.
  • Bring out Narnam Renegade against speedy aggro decks.
  • An extra copy of Renegade Rallier is there against removal or control.
  • An extra copy of Thopter Arrest is always good against a midrange deck with a fatty you need gone.

Additional Thoughts

22 land feels slightly high but I'm reluctant to go much lower since the enchantments you really want on the board come in at 5 CMC. The Servants of the Conduit can get you there if you need them but they're primarily there to make sure you can bounce your Aethergeode Miner s on defense early.

I wouldn't hate having a mid-range fatty like Verdurous Gearhulk, especially since he can combo nicely with Eerie Interlude but I just couldn't find room for him off the bat. Maybe he'll come in after I've play-tested this a bit more.

The tapped lands and lack of 1-drops make the start feel a bit clunky. I briefly considered something like Greenbelt Rampager but, again, I just couldn't find room.

Selfless Spirit may be a decent card to have against decks with fliers but I think I'd rather have the Clip Wings instead.

Panharmonicon is an option to double-trigger abilities.

Update 1



After week 1 the biggest takeaway is that everyone is running some version of Saheeli Rai / Felidar Guardian copycat. This deck was woefully lacking in ways to deal with that combo so the Stasis Snares and Authority of the Consuls are very necessary. Green and White don't really have a whole ton of access to removal so I'm back to toying with the idea of splashing black just to have access to some of that stuff and maybe Winding Constrictor. That said, I'm still waiting for these cards to come in so I'm not planning on doing that until I get some solid play-testing in.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 9 Rares

15 - 4 Uncommons

3 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.66
Tokens Energy Reserve
Ignored suggestions
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