How to use Aggressive Mining in Modern.
This deck seems to work a lot like scapeshift. Both decks involve using lands. Both decks involve sacrificing all of your lands. And both decks should win once they hit 6-7 lands.
The base strategy is simply to play aggressive mining at 6 lands if conflagrate is in your graveyard. Play it at seven if conflagrate is in your hand or otherwise.
But this has something that scapeshift could only hope for. Depending on the number of cards in your hand, aggressive mining can be played on turn 4. Yup. You read it right. Turn 4. This method involves waiting a turn, but the very next turn you can cast conflagrate from your graveyard after you sacrifice all of your land and float the mana, then cast Reverberate or Twincast, and if you have 2 other card in your hand, you can hit them for twenty. Or better yet you could've bolted them earlier, or they could be at sixteen from a gitaxian probe or fetchland or something of that order. Then the two other card are unnecessary.
Why is this list not mono-red, or just U/R? Really its for deflecting palm and supreme verdict. And a little grand abolisher. Narset is chill too.
Supreme Verdict - Is literally the supreme wrath effect in the game. It's short, sweet, and simple. If your opponent doesn't have Mindbreak Trap or Venser Shaper Savant, everything is gone. Poof That's the sound of Bogles dying, the sound of W/B tokens dying, the sound of many faster paced creature decks dying. In hindsight no one questioned supreme verdict anyway.
Deflecting Palm - For weird disgusting home brew decks or Goryo's vengeance. It mainly stalls for the time I need to cast supreme verdict and wiping everything. Destroys Ad Nauseam that doesnt use lightning storm. Many of you just questioned if Ad Nauseam uses other things. The answer is yes. I've seen some really dank stuff happen with Ad Nauseam before. Especially useful against burn for taking their damage points and redirecting it.
Grand Abolisher - Counterspell bait. Often casting Grand abolisher baits out the counterspell I wanted him to prevent in the first place. Kind of works like Pact of Negation in a sense that it comes out of no where. If he's on the field at the same time as Aggressive Mining, its an extremely lucky play. And means that the game is over. He's really good at getting killspelled as the only creature in the deck. Considering to put four copies in the sideboard after they side out every kill spell in their deck.
Narset Transcendent - The tick up is very functional. Dig for a spell and around 1/3 of the time put it in my hand. The tick down is the gold. Rebound is a great ability, and makes supreme verdict twice as good. It keeps the board clear and the pressure off for three turns. Lightning Bolt discourages playing any more weaker creatures. In short I love it. And if Narset manages to ultimate... GG? Yup. Not being able to do anything to stop Aggressive Mining means game over.
Everything else is pretty normal.
Oh. If you couldn't tell this is an anti-scapeshift and Ad Nauseam deck, with some hate against through the breach, Goryo's Vengeance, and splinter twin. Collected company decks find it hard to win as well.
For anti-scapeshift I need simply reverberate their scapeshift and take the win from them exactly like that. It's super easy.
Ad Nauseam the Angel's Grace are sided in and reverberate is used on their ad Nauseam. One copy of lightning storm is in the deck to take the win.
Happy mining.