The point of this little series I will be starting is once a week (Sunday) I will produce a budget deck that is able remain competitive. The deck prices will range between $50 - $75.
Kerenos would be a really cool addition, but he's a bit too expensive right now, if you have the extra funds I'd add him.
This deck was really fun to work on because I'm huge fan of both control and burn decks. It was strange trying to mold them together, keeping the deck a control deck without it having too little burn, but I think it worked out in the end. The sideboard is wild so if you have any questions feel free to ask away. I hope you like it MogMan696 because I had a ton of fun making it. Thanks so much for the request!
AEtherling - A super reliable but expensive wincon if the game gets there
Non-creature spells:
Assemble the Legion - A great win condition that isn't easily answered in the mainboard
Detention Sphere - A cheap catchall removal
Dissolve - A counterspell that lets you scry on through your deck to get the the goodies
Divination - A pretty decent draw card (Though it should be instant)
Azorius Charm - I debated between this charm and Izzet charm and went with Azorius because of its pure versatility
Lightning Strike - The burn!
Magma Jet - The burn and scry!
Opportunity - Its like a poor man's Sphinx's Revelation!
Supreme Verdict - Your go-to control card that keeps anything you don't like off the board
Warleader's Helix - Burn and lifegain!
If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Comment decks you would like to see and I'll work on it!