Amonkhet Red / Black Aggro Burn
Continuation of R/B aggro which was very competitive deck during Kaladesh meta.
This is very aggressive deck which also has lot of flexibility thanks to awsome sideboard.
This deck revolves around discard/madness theme, utilizing such cards as Fiery Temper, Alms of the Vein, Key to the City or Bloodrage Brawler. Playing cards using their madness cost is huge tempo swing to the board(or enemy lifetotal) and this way we are making sure enemy will not catch up with our aggression.
All star of this deck is of course Hazoret the Fervent which is really easy to activate and if you draw it together with Key to the City you can push excessive amount of damage starting from the very turn Hazoret is played.
Curve starts with early drops: Flameblade Adept, Dread Wanderer and Bomat Courier. Those can be sided out in board heavy matchups(such as vs Zombies), which will make our deck less creature reliant and allows us to turn it into spell heavy burn.
I believe this is strongest sideboard you can have with Red and Black. Magma Spray is key card in aggro matchups(I am watching you Cryptbreaker). Sweltering Suns is another key card vs Zombies.
Transgress the Mind is mostly against Marvel decks, but it can also be helpful vs control/combo or some midrange matchups.
By Force is our artifact hate(play 3 of those if you face a lot of Mardu!). Lightning Axe is here to clear big enemy creatures which can be played early(our best answer to Greenbelt Rampager played in G/B energy, which can easily stop our aggression on it's own if not dealt with early).
Never / Return is the last card in sideboard, but I am least convinced to it since the double black in cost(this deck plays 13 black mana sources). This card can be awsome if you face a lot of Mardu and planeswalker heavy control decks(it's not really the case in my store, maybe I will swap it to either Cut / Ribbons or Avacyn's Judgment).
To sum things up I think R/B aggro is cheap and effective way to start playing Standard. The only cost in this deck is Hazoret the Fervent but I find this card really worth it. It's gonna stay in Standard for more than a year and this card is great for every red aggressive deck.