About the Deck:

For a long time, every deck I played had either Blue, Black, or both in them. I decided to expand my horizons by building a mono-white EDH deck, as well as this one. The white deck didn't survive the test of time, but this deck has become one of my recent favorites.

I wanted this deck to be competitive, despite having an uncommon color combination. Something I found while building on this deck is that this color combination has everything it needs to succeed. I have several defined two-card interactions that will win a 4-player pod immediately, Tooth and Nail, and a multitude of value search effects to help find my combo pieces.

Win Conditions:

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts
Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame
Hellkite Charger + Sword of Feast and Famine
Craterhoof Behemoth
Tooth and Nail

Change Log:

-1 Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
-1 Into the Wilds
-1 Everflowing Chalice
-1 Ohran Viper
-1 Generator Servant
-1 Hooded Hydra
+1 Garruk, Primal Hunter
+1 Eternal Witness
+1 Worldly Tutor
+1 Lifeblood Hydra
+1 Elvish Archdruid
+1 Sol Ring

Multani was cute, and I'm not above French vanilla beaters, but I feel for six mana I'd rather just be getting down Inferno Titan. Into the Wilds was slow and jankish. Radha has no time for such trinkets as Everflowing Chalice. Ohran Viper is just a wee bit too slow, and it's low power curbs its usefulness to an aggro/beatdown strategy like the one present in this deck. Generator's Servant was just a little too slow, and with my relatively small amount of draw power at the moment, losing cards for acceleration is a dangerous trade off. I added Garruk for some more needed draw power, and this deck just seems built to protect planeswalkers. Eternal Witness is some good, searchable recursion, and the creature body is pretty relevant in my group. Worldly Tutor has a pretty huge toolbox to reach into, and it's really one of those cards that any green deck should play. Lifeblood Hydra seems like exactly the kind of card I need. A great mana dump, a potentially huge beater/win-con, and fantastic draw power. I can't wait to draw it with Life's Legacy. Elvish Archdruid synergizes well with Radha, and I think I'll probably end up adding a bit more of an elf package as the deck progresses. Yeah, I didn't have a Sol Ring for a while. Every deck needs a Sol Ring, right?

-1 Temple of the False God
-1 Forest
-1 Mountain
+1 Kessig Wolf Run
+1 Stomping Ground
+1 Windswept Heath

Hey, my landbase is getting better! Temple of the False God is a slow, terrible land, and every EDH deck is better off without it. I'm pretty confident of that statement at this point. I've used Temple of the False God a lot in the past, and it's always been more likely to be a dead draw than a good mana accelerator. I'm stoked over getting a Kessig, that's one of my favorite lands of all time, and it's super worth it in pretty much any R/G deck. I got a Stomping Ground, which is good. Mana fixing is always nice, and having my shock is very beneficial, especially to the Windswept Heath I also added. The Heath isn't my ideal fetch, but it's still mana fixing and deck thinning.

-1 Yeva, Nature's Herald
-1 Garruk's Packleader
-1 Lightning Bolt
-1 Mountain
+1 Lightning Greaves
+1 Ancient Grudge
+1 Beast Within
+1 Hull Breach

Yeva is an underachiever. She can't give Kiki-Jiki flash, and that's super relevant. I'm pretty okay with just casting stuff on my turn, except for Kiki-Jiki, because he's super threatening, and I don't like having a Kiki-Jiki on my field for too many of my opponent's turns (seriously, it'll get me killed). I play a few too many small utility dudes to benefit greatly from Garruk's Packleader. I'll need more draw power, but I'll have to work on it. My lack of draw power makes good, but low impact stuff like Lightning Bolt a little too disadvantageous to play. Lightning Greaves adds in some more haste mechanics to the deck, and it's good for protecting stuff I don't want my opponent getting with spot removal (I don't want people Pathing my Lifeblood Hydra, and I certainly want to give it haste). Ancient Grudge has been on my mind since putting this deck together. I can cast it for free from my hand if Radha just attacks, and Radha alone makes the mana to cast it from the graveyard. Artifact hate is always good, and I think this one is sculpted for Radha. Beast Within is another one that can be cast in combat with Radha if need be (if it's worth having Radha blocked off and killed). Green Vindicate is great, after all. Even more Artifact and Enchantment hate with Hull Breach. I like this one because it is potentially a 2-for-1, which is important in this format.

-1 Plow Under
+1 Chameleon Colossus

Plow Under is a bit slow in my competitive metagame, and land hate is something I really don't care for. The other LD I have is coincidental, and mostly necessary to answer problem lands like Cabal Coffers or Kor Haven. I'm pretty stoked about Chameleon Colossus. Heroes' Bane has always been performing quite well, and the Colossus is pretty much a second copy. He's also an elf and goblin, so he's got a bit of support.

-1 Llanowar Elves
-1 Elvish Mystic
-1 Starstorm
-1 Wall of Roots
-1 Mold Shambler
-1 Yavimaya Elder
+1 Scavenging Ooze
+1 Goblin Recruiter
+1 Genesis Wave
+1 Dualcaster Mage
+1 Oracle of Mul Daya
+1 Hellkite Charger

The 1cmc dorks aren't something this deck really needs. I think that Arbor Elf is the best of the three I played, so I decided to keep him in there. There are some situations where I'd rather use a 3cmc spell on turn two, than play Radha (you know, like casting Blood Moon on some aspiring 3-5 color player). Starstorm was a card that I was holding out on cutting due to it being my only board wipe (and an Instant at that). This deck likes it's own board presence too much to do my opponent's job for them, however. Wall of Roots was in a tough cmc slot for a mana accelerator. Being tied down by defender just makes it strictly worse (using that term lightly here, but you get the point) than Radha on turn two. Mold Shambler was just a little too expensive for what it does, and the fact that it's vanilla without it's kicker (not synergistic with Pod) makes it not worth the inclusion in the deck. Yavimaya Elder was too slow. I don't recall him ever putting in much work. I added Scavenging Ooze so I can have a bit of defense against graveyard strategies, because they're getting a lot more popular in my group. Extra life and a nice beater on top of that just seems too good to pass up. Goblin Recruiter another of my playable tutors in this color identity. It's limited to only a few cards, but being able to search up Kiki-Jiki and Chameleon Colossus in one go is so worth it for 2cmc. I finally managed to get my hands on a Genesis Wave. I love when new traders come around. All of the G-Waves up until now were locked up tight inside my group's various green EDH decks. Yet another mana dump win the game card. Very worth. My friend generously gave me his Dualcaster Mage for the good of Keld. After playing with it a few times, I have to say I really misjudged the card. I was sad that he wasn't 2cmc, but now I can see that he would be entirely broken if he cost any less. My group plays a few instant/sorcery clones, so it's entirely possible I'll be able to go infinite with him. Maybe I'll add a Twinflame for good measure. Oracle of Mul Daya was also acquired from the gentleman with the G-Wave. It's nice to see people who don't have their good green cards in a stranglehold. It solves a few problems that this deck sees from time to time. It helps preempt land draws, it accelerates my mana, and it's got a great midrange cmc. Hellkite Charger is the first of the BFDs (that is, big flying dragons) that I intend to add to the deck. This particular BFD is great for Radha because he's got an in-combat ability that uses red mana. Extra combat phases are always good in this kind of deck, and if I can get a hold of a Bear Umbra (these ex-bulk rares are driving me nuts), I have another win condition (you know, more so than a BFD that gets my dudes back in the ring to take another swing).

-1 Sylvan Ranger
-1 Heroes' Bane
-1 Fall of the Hammer
-1 Dictate of the Twin Gods
-2 Mountain
+1 Skullclamp
+1 Sword of Feast and Famine
+1 Twinflame
+1 Sensei's Divining Top
+1 Command Tower
+1 Forbidden Orchard

After the end of year reviews of my decks, I ended up with a couple of good staples lying around. Sylvan Ranger was way too slow, and in a cmc slot that competes with Radha. Heroes' Bane was great, but with a searchable alternative in Chameleon Colossus, I don't see the need to play it. It hurt to do it, but Fall of the Hammer is out. It takes too much time to worry about what my opponent has out. I just have to run them over. Dictate of the Twin Gods never once served to make me win the game. It was pretty much the epitome of a win more card at best, and a dead draw most of the time. I added Skullclamp to help out with my draw power issue. It's got some great synergy with some of the little critters in the deck that just have powerful ETB effects like Goblin Recruiter and Fierce Empath. Added a Sword of Feast and Famine primarily for a goodstuff sword in a deck that desperately wants it. It's also in the deck to function as a win-condition with Hellkite Charger. Twinflame was added in to complement the Dualcaster Mage. It seems like a pretty great card outside of it's combo uses. I have a lot of strong ETBs in this deck, and the quick damage is very appreciated. I want this to be a real EDH deck, so I put a Sensei's Divining Top in it. Because real EDH decks play Top. Also, I had shite for one-drops otherwise. With my Oona deck getting the axe for Christmas, I had a Command Tower and a Forbidden Orchard to put in Radha (not to mention the Top). The Command Tower is just indispensable mana fixing, but the Orchard is something else. It's not only my favorite land ever, it works wonders with Defense of the Heart.

-1 Farhaven Elf
-1 Karametra's Acolyte
-1 Runes of the Deus
-1 Chandra, Pyromaster
+1 Priest of Titania
+1 Bloodbraid Elf
+1 Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
+1 Skyshroud Claim

Farhaven Elf is in and awkward cmc slot, and it's just slower than Rampant Growth and Sakura Tribe Elder (both of which I'm iffy on as well). Karametra's Acolyte competes with a lot of other great 4cmc spells. The acceleration was real, but I'm not sure if I need it for 4cmc. Runes of the Deus was just an alternative Radha Voltron win-condition. It's not necessary anymore now that I have a good number of better win-conditions. Chandra is slow card advantage and dork removal. Useful, but not the best 4-drop. Funny enough, all of the cards I got in this update, I got by trading said Chandra. Priest of Titania and Bloodbraid Elf are two updates I've been wanting to get done for a while. PoT is very fast, very big mana acceleration for elves, and it's also a great metagame choice for me. Bloodbraid Elf does everything I want her to. She gives me card advantage, has a great cmc, she's an elf, and she's got haste. Kamahl does a few things I really like. Repeatable Overrun on a stick is enough to warrant playing him on it's own, but he's also a great boardwipe deterrent. Somebody casting Wrath of God? Animate all of their lands and wreck them. Skyshroud claim is goodstuff green acceleration, and it can let me cast something else the turn I use it.

-1 Terastodon
+1 Polukranos, the World Eater

I really dislike Terastodon. It's sitting at the top of my mana curve, and it's only useful for two things: ruining the game for one player, or it can just be a very expensive alternative to Reclamation Sage and Acidic Slime. Polukranos is in for testing. With how many dorks run around in my metagame, I figure going monstrous for two the turn after I play him (usually turn 3) is pretty good utility. Of course, if I happen to have a ton of mana, I can make a much heftier hydra. Having a fat beater on the field is always a good thing for this deck.

-1 Sakura-Tribe Elder
-1 Rampant Growth
-1 Insurrection
-1 Forest
+1 Green Sun's Zenith
+1 Wheel of Fortune
+1 Doubling Cube
+1 Wooded Foothills

I found Rampant Growth and Sakura-Tribe Elder weren't adding anything to the deck. I'd rather play Radha on turn two, and something more substantial on turn three. Insurrection is underwhelming in comparison to the other stuff I do for eight mana. I don't like relying on my opponents having a field, because my group does a lot of non-interaction at times. Added Green Sun's Zenith in for more search power. Came across a Wheel of Fortune. My draw power is rising. Doubling Cube is in to make mana madness. Added Wooded Foothills for more mana fixing.

-1 Ancient Grudge
-1 Hull Breach
-1 Magma Jet
-1 Life's Legacy
-1 Polukranos, the World Eater
-1 Ogre Battledriver
+1 Terastodon
+1 Winter Orb
+1 Tangle Wire
+1 Tin Street Hooligan
+1 Krenko, Mob Boss
+1 Vexing Shusher

I've decided to reduce my number of non-permanent cards in the deck. Ancient Grudge and Hull Breach were low-impact, and don't give me any advantage to my side of the field. Magma Jet is a low-impact card that had good application in digging through my deck (and spot removal/burn). Not wholly important. Life's Legacy can net me a lot of cards, but it's reliant on setup, and it opens me up to get 2-for-1'd by counterspells. Ogre Battledriver doesn't currently have enough application to be in the deck. With some further edits, he will probably be added back in. After playing a few games with my friend's Omnath deck, I'm putting Terastodon back into the deck to ensure what goes around comes around. Seeing as how I'm putting more vicious cards in, I've started a stax package with Winter Orb and Tangle Wire. Adding to my Goblin package, I'm putting Tin Street Hooligan back into the deck. It's searchable, value artifact removal, to replace the artifact removal I took out. Krenko is in for some good old goblin bullshittery. Good synergy with Skullclamp, Craterhoof Behemoth, Hellrider, and Kamahl. One more goblin is in with Vexing Shusher. Protecting my spells from pesky countermagic. I play against Azami now, I need Shusher.

-1 Kher Keep
-1 Bonfire of the Damned
-1 Kodama's Reach
-1 Krosan Grip
-1 Wolfir Silverheart
+1 Raging Ravine
+1 Taurean Mauler
+1 Siege-Gang Commander
+1 Ogre Battledriver
+1 Marton Stromgald

Kher Keep has been consistently unnecessary and restrictive. Even in situations where it seems applicable, it ends up being too costly to make much of a difference. Bonfire of the Damned is unreliable, and somewhat expensive. Removing it also improves Bloodbraid Elf and Genesis Wave. Kodama's Reach provided the same acceleration as Rampant Growth, and the land search isn't worth the extra mana. Strangely enough also buffs Bloodbraid and Genesis Wave. I've found I prefer more gas to artifact and enchantment hate. If I need something destroyed, my creatures tend to do it fine. Wolfir Silverheart has no place in the deck anymore. I haven't won with commander damage in forever, and I just have much better pump effects in the deck. Added in Raging Ravine over the Kher Keep for extra mana fixing, and manlands are always great to keep around. Taurean Mauler is a strong elf/goblin in a relatively open cmc slot that is very good in 4-pods (my most common type of game is 4-pod). Siege-Gang Commander is in for great goblin justice. He works quite well with Krenko, Craterhoof Behemoth, Kiki-Jiki, and now Marton Stromgald and Ogre Battledriver. Marton and Battledriver are of course just too good with stuff like Avenger of Zendikar, Hornet Queen, and an increasing number of new additions.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.49
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, Goblin 1/1 R, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Plant 0/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, Wurm 6/6 G
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