I wanted to make an non-traditional deck that could be competitive in standard play, this is my latest version: a Naya Angels tribal ramp deck.
This deck has two main ways to win. First is an aggressive ramp with Avacyn's Pilgrim/Farseek to
Somberwald Sage
to big angels.
The second path to victory uses
Descendants' Path
as a way to gain free draws and drop angels onto the battlefield. If the game goes into mid-game this gives me added draw and cycling through my deck.
I realize that there is little in this deck to deal with threats (e.g. there are no Searing Spears, no oblivion rings, etc.). the reason is that this deck is meant to be played aggressively regardless of what the opponent does. You are suppose to drop the big threats and put the pressure on them. Boros Charm is for board wipes like Supreme Verdict.
Currently choosing humans over elves for ramp. Considering whether Garruk, Primal Hunter is a better call than Domri Rade or whether both deserve a place in this deck.
Sideboard still needs development. Right now thinking about a 15 human sideboard that converts the deck into all out human aggro. It's very preliminary.
Advice from the experts is always welcome and +1 if you like is appreciated! Thanks!
-1Entreat the Angels -2 Domri Rade +3 Aurelia's Fury
The rationale is that Aurelia's Fury early buys me time to get lands in place, later it allows me to tap down a guy and stop sorceries and noncreature spells, and late as a way to finish the game. Entreat the Angels doesn't work well with
Descendants' Path
and while Domri Rade is good, I have to cut somewhere and I think Aurelia's Fury fits at that slot better.
After getting some feedback, removed Aurelia's Fury and -1Aurelia, the Warleader, -1Farseek, +3Alpha Authority, +2
Witchbane Orb
The idea on the swap is to protect yorurself and your creatures, especially
Somberwald Sage
, she's an easy target for removal but once she's under Alpha Authority she's safe from everything except sweepers. At that point, you're in position for the win.
Witchbane Orb
is usually a sideboard card (granted) but black has so much indirect removal through forced sacrifice
Witchbane Orb
and Sigarda, Host of Herons are your shield against that form of removal. Boros Charm still provides a range of possibilities.
The main deck is currently aligned to match up well against other midrange/ramp or control decks. The sideboard has been rethought to deal with aggro such as Naya Blitz. A preliminary sideboard has been put together. Swap for aggro, something like: -2 Angel of Serenity, -4
Descendants' Path
, -1Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, -1Avacyn, Angel of Hope, -2
Witchbane Orb
, -3Alpha Authority, -1
Somberwald Sage
, -1 Avacyn's Pilgrim for the entire sideboard.