The goal of this deck are three low cost artifacts that'll loop: Blasting Station or Grinding Station, Enduring Renewal, and Myr Moonvessel or Memnite or Ornithopter or Shield Sphere. The rest of the deck is to make sure those three are on the field and protected.
Blasting Station or Grinding Station simply determines how you'll win. You either deal 1 damage to enemy infinitely or mill them infinitely. Grinding Station can also be used to combo with Mine Excavation, Salvage Scout, and Frantic Salvage which brings stuff back from the grave.
The Real Backbone to this deck is Enduring Renewal. Although the enemy can see your hand and it is a 4 cost enchantment, it'll make the loop so that when you sacrifice a creature or artifact, it'll bring them back. Since all the artifact creatures are zero cost or 1 cost that pays for itself, it'll create an infinite loop. After many playtests, it is best to play this last with Grindstone Station or Blasting Station on the field with one of the artifact creatures in hand.
Myr Moonvessel, Memnite, Ornithopter, and Shield Sphere are literally just there to defend and be used as the subject to the infinite loop. As long as one of these remain in your hand or field with the other two on the field, the loop will begin and the game will be instantly over.
The other cards are just to bring back stuff and protect the artifact stuff. Do not mind if you take a bunch of damage early on because this combo is an instant win.