Modern legal, but casually intended. This budget deck brings a lot if value to the table for its humble $35 price tag. It's super fun, and surprisingly effective.
Piloting the deck is easy; explaining how it works, is less so.
The bulk of the deck is 2-cost "Sac Fodder", that replace themselves when they die; offering a bit if early defense and turning off removal, while keeping a growing board-state. These replacement effects are also part of the wincon.
Doomed Dissenter and Butcher Ghoul, replace themselves as slightly larger versions of themselves.
Orzhov Enforcer, however is a nasty 1/2 with Deathtouch, which replaces with a 1/1 flying token. Offering some evasion or skyward blocking.
Carrier Thrall becomes a 1/1 waste-mana dork, with its own sac outlet, giving a bump in mana production.
The win condition is vampiric in nature: As creatures die to the "Utility" and "Win" sac outlets, Blood Artists and/or Zulaport Cutthroats tip the scales during play. Then, yank the rug out from under the opponent with either Bloodthrone Vampire or Carrion Feeder, enchanted with Dying Wish.
Playtesting reveals the Dying Wish win-con is not often necessary, but is an ace-in-the-hole against lifegain or faster damage decks.
The "Utility" cards Grim Haruspex and Village Rites, offer draw. Viscera Seer fixes the library for wanted resources.
Unearth and Nightmare Shepherd^ offer inexpensive recurrence of valuable "Win", "Utility" and "Sac Fodder" creatures.
The deck may look slow with a curve spiking in the 2-cost range and tapering down the upper scale, but the but the deck has a solid boardstate, with options, come turn 4.
I consider piloting this a deck mildly challenging for novice players, and super-effective in the hands of any experienced player. The best part is, it's fun to play.
^Nightmare Shepherd's exile-'n-copy ability only works with "Utility" and "Win" creatures, with the exception of Butcher Ghoul from "Sac Fodder".*
**Suggestions and comments encouraged and appreciated!**