pie chart

Artisan Guardians





Turn1: Forest, Elvish Mystic

Turn2: Forest, Axebane Guardian

Turn3: Forest, Prophet of KruphixOpponent's Turn3: Sylvan Caryatid

Turn4: Forest, Colossus of AkrosOpponent's Turn4: Karametra's Acolyte

Turn5: Monstrous Colossus of Akros

Any ideas welcome. I think this deck is going to be a lot of fun to mess around with


Updates Add

Thanks for the advice everyone, when the site went down I couldn't update but this is how the deck stands for now. As raithe000 advised I will stop trying to do too much all at once, I've stripped it down to its basic concept: Mana acceleration to a big dude (currently Colossus of Akros ) I have added Nemesis of Mortals as a back up plan (as they kill my dorks it makes him cheaper) and I have removed black altogether, it wasn't doing anything... Sphinxy, thanks for your support and ideas, I like the idea of putting in some unexpected surprises :) I'm gonna think it through and update again soon, this was just a catch up after the hiatus


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

8 - 2 Uncommons

17 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.78
Ignored suggestions
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