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As competitive at Mr. Dûl can get Semi-Competitive

Commander / EDH



Be prepared my grammar sucks and I don't care as this is not an essay

Now generally I would try to make an even more fringe commander or even a more crazy pointless combo deck like my recent semi comp Metallurgic Summons deck (NOT cEDH JUST GOOD). This is what I chose because this dude is not "full" trash but "underrated" trash like that banana peel in your garbage that could be compost but your lazy so it's just trash but it really is just trash. So I am going to try to make Limmy-D here as competitive as I can without running some of the highest budget cards like Crypt,Grim,Seal,Diamond,Tomb,Tower etc etc. Crypt wouldn't even be that great since your going to want more of a long game with a 7 cost mono black commander running around your coffers so we are going to be doing one thing with this deck 1: Kill, Jack, Win that is 3 things but it's one series of things that makes up a single thing. Any help or cards I might of missed feel free to comment though I try to be as thorough as possible. Now lets Kill Jack and Win our way to victory...wait...

Cards I have Considered, and the last cards I had to cut that are all good for the deck.

Mana Vault: This should be in the deck but If you don't want to pay $25 for a card that you may tap once or twice during a game I would replace it for Powerstone or Hedron Archive.

Avatar of Woe: This card probably has been the hardest cut so far because it can literally cost 2 mana at certain points in the game, which makes it really good but when it costs 8 its pretty bad. Even at 8 mana it's still ok and should probably be in the deck especially with greaves, schwifty's and the amount of excel that is ran but the issue is that if she is in your yard you can bring her back but she lacks haste as there are only 2 cards that give it to her in the deck so she sort of comes with a huge target most likely getting her or Lim killed. In addition she can only kill one creature per turn something that any other kill spell can do. Under Mimic Vat she is broken but again getting her there or wherever you want her can be hard plus Vat might also get cut soon as well. I replaced her with Kalitas as he is far superior and less mana getting you two creatures the first being a huge beater and going good with Attrition plus also getting you your opponents creature with Lim.

Bonyard Parley: This card is the weirdest black card I have seen printed in a long time its like a grave fact or fiction but you can choose creatures from any yard? I honestly have no clue if this card would be good but I have one thing to say to this card, Sepulchral Primordial. Septic as I call him becasue he looks like a giant shit is a card you can reanimate, gets 3 creatures of your choice and is a 5/4 that requires no interaction with your opponents...then lets you KILL them with their own dudes.

Damnation and other wraths: WHY IS THE BEST BOARD WIPE IN BLACK NOT IN YOUR DECK OMG HES SUCH A IDIOT, its because if you read Damnation there is a small bit of reminder text saying "can't be regenerated"... This pretty much being one of the only situations that it actually matters in since Lim Dul wants to regenerate you newly zombified friends. So using Damnation is kind of pointless plus it costs $25 and with Zombie Master in the deck it would also make him much worse.

However I have considered Decree of Pain because of the large amount of cards you can get from it but THE TRICK WITH LIM is that any board wipe you use you still get the triggers to reanimate your opponents creatures even if he is killed in the process, rule (CR 410.10d) but again not being able to mass regenerate your opponents dudes with his second ability makes the trade of loosing Lim and all your opponents creatures much worse under a Damnation or a great card like Toxic Deluge. Another great board wipe is Life's Finale, this is a reanimators dream wipe but the issue with it in this deck is that I have to spam regenerate on all my guys or they die and I also can loose Lim to it. I really only want one board wipe that I have to do that for and that is Usually Selection but also making Lim a Zombie in the process. Finale gets me 3 creatures from an opponents deck which is good with Rise but I am not sure if its necessary or worth it though it might make it into the final cut. I have swapped it in for Overwhelming Forces for the time being since I don't have a spare of the latter and because I added reanimate. The only other board wipe I would consider is Deadly Tempest and this would only be necessary in a token heavy meta.

Magus of the Coffers: again should be in the deck but out of all the doublers he is by far the weakest and I just added D Temple allowing for more coffers activations. Magus is usually removed before he even can be used anyway

Emrakul, the Promised End: This card is just about good in any deck that can cast it and will probably be added to this deck before it's finalized. The issue with her in this deck is that you only get one cast trigger off of her in the game, other then that she is just a beater that you can reanimate to trample over your opponents to make them cry. She is probably the next best creature you could add to the deck as she has the best cast trigger out of the Eldrazi who do not shuffle back which in this deck is annoying a reason Dread is not present. Again I rather play cards I can play easily and even at 9-10 mana she is pretty high since I already run tons of other high cast cost cards that fit with the deck better.

Liliana of the Dark Realms: This one was hard but in the long run her -3 ability isn't great since she starts so low and will only be able to kill one thing if you use her the turn she comes out, tutoring for a land is ok but that only puts her at 4 which is still close to death, between her and regular Vess I would say they are equal but having the ability to tutor really makes Vess shine vs Dark Realms only being able to get a swamp and starting at the lowest loyalty between the other walkers. I am going to try Dark Realms instead of Archfiend for now for the ramp.

Erebos, God of the Dead: I would say Erebos is great in this deck but since we would only be using him to draw on occasion and have no way of gaining our life back paying 2 life per card is quite steep plus we already run Necro, Arena and Muse in the deck and have plenty of tutors he could be subbed in if the deck does not draw enough.

Grave Pact: So in this deck what does pact do... We wrath the board so much it doesn't matter what we have. It would only be good if they try to target the creatures we steal with removal but if we have Lim out they would never do that knowing we would get what they sacrifice using Lim they would rather Wrath or try to kill just him. This deck only runs 12 creatures most of which we don't really want to die if they do and we happened to have Grave Pact out thats great but in addition to that we would have to then have 2-6 mana to bring our each of our opponents creatures back to our side and that would be assuming that Lim is even on the board at that time. It's decent with lim but not in the deck i'm trying to make.

Reanimate: You might think I'm crazy but hear me out not only it this card unreasonably priced right now using it to bring back Lim or anything equal or higher cast cost is just bad. Does one mana loose 7 life to get a single creature sound that good, at what point in the game do you use this for 1 when you could just cast any other reanimation spell to get what you want from a yard. Reanimate is a busted card, but it is good because its fast. The better the creature the more you have to pay for it, in 1v1 that's not that big of a sacrifice but when you have 3 opponents in a format that is full of the best removal it is only ok. If you have one it could be included because it is a good card in any black deck. We already run lots of cards that drain life something like a Vendetta could be considered as good for $25 less though I have a spare so I am going to test it but it's really not necessary.

Coffin Queen: I love this card in black, and in this deck it makes sense being able to bring back Lim for a second go around skipping the 2 mana tax or getting any other creature but the issue is that she can die to just about anything and might just be worse then a common Rise from the Grave as that also makes Lim a zombie allowing him to regenerate himself. Also if you can't protect her then anyone can destroy her at anytime not only killing the creature you brought back but exiling it instead, great card but sometimes great things have to go.

Liliana Vess: Her final and tutor abilities were mainly why I was running her but her cast cost is to high for the tutor effect and getting to her alt seems unlikely if its about to win you the game. Using her tutor once pretty much prevents her from ever reaching her ult and she can't even get a board wipe to protect herself in the same turn there are many other tutors would be better in her place. Ob is a much better well rounded walker drawing you cards when he comes out and being able to spot kill anything which works really well with Lim. Vess is good but again equal to Dark Realms both are good in the deck but cuts have to be made and removing a 5 cast cost card is always nice when playing black.

Disciple of Bolas: This is what is call a late game payout card no doubt a very good one but I only get the value after a Lim effect has resolved also having sacrifice an opponents creature since I only run a few things I could sac. At 4 mana and being a dead card early game I cut it, you can just sac her to herself to draw 2 but then you are really wasting the effect then having to use a reanimate on her later.

Using Heartless Summoning: This card is good but not as good as it could be. It reduces the cost of 11 creatures in the deck and it could be swapped out for Fleshbag because Fleshbag dies before you can sac it to it's own ability making it an Innocent Blood which would hurt this deck quite a lot due to not having many creatures that you want to sacrifice. Heartless makes Obliterator less useful though I manly use him as a giant blocker. Right now though I am going to leave it out for Worn Powerstone and Fleshbag and might replace Powerstone later for it and maybe add Slum Reaper only being one more mana more but able to survive Heartless Summoning taking out Fleshbag since being a zombie really doesn't make a difference in this deck and Lims regenerate doesn't trigger his ability a second time. I have decided to not use this card only because of my lack of creatures but if I ever reanimated Fleshbag with Summoning out I would end up getting the Innocent Blood trigger again which will usually end up killing Lim. This is a great card for the deck if it had more stuff to reduce like Emrakul but I don't really have a spot for it.

Runed Stalactite This tool is good on Lim Dul or on any one of your other creatures when he is out but it really has no other effects then to give himself regenerate that costs 2 mana to activate making its only ok but if you run Anowon in the deck its so brutal if this is on Lim.

Archfiend of Depravity: Out of all the creatures that kill things this guy it the best though Anowon might be better. Archfiend comes equipped with few fatal flaws. First being his ability does not trigger at the beginning of their upkeep so token decks can just murder you before they have to sac down, second they will always keep the 2 creatures they don't want you to have, so if you have the mana up to use with Lim they will never sacrifice the things you want but the things you don't. This guy was the last card cut from the deck but I do believe Ob is better because you get to choose what you steal/destroy, it may not be as many things but at least you get the best targetable creature on the board.

Gilded Lotus: I am choosing to test this card until I see where the mana situation is I also put Coldsteel Heart back in for early game excell which is needed. Powerstone might be better then Lotus because I may never be able to even untap with lotus if it gets Dacked or destroyed but I am running both for now. Also burnished hart could be a card I could test being able to be reanimated.

Darksteel Plate and Lightning Greaves: I am taking greaves and plate out for now until I see if there is enough protection for Lim since Plate is in the deck to protect him from my wipes though I have since strayed away from lots of wipes that target everything as there are only 3 in the deck that can kill him since selection just brings him back and Kindred Dominance kills him but you still get the reanimate triggers anyway. Plate protects him from anything else that may destroy him and it can't be destroyed making it better then Greaves but its cost and equip fee are quite high. Greaves does not allow me to regenerate any creature that it's on and does not protect Lim from any wrath effects though again the free haste and protection is pretty good on any creature I steal but I am not able to regenerate them so I feel swiftys does this better.

Rise from the Grave: This card would be the next reanimation effect I would add because if you grab Lim with it he becomes a zombie making him able to protect himself then again if he is removed he looses that creature type. Bringing back any other creature with it is also decent allowing them to be able to be regenerated with Lim (Duhhh) though again one time cast for 5 seems steep since Beacon can grab me a artifact from any graveyard.

Zombie Master: I think he has cool synergy with the deck but only really works with Urborg and his regen effect is redundant with Lims. Replaced for Lotus.

Cards that will most likely be tested: Darksteel Plate Lightning Greaves: Plate will be added before greaves as board wipes and exile effects are more common then targeted removal and we run some wipes that can kill lim. Liliana Vess Archfiend of Depravity


  • Gilded Lotus + Plaugecrafter Gilded Lotus is really bad due to it's high cost so it's not going back in I really like having another fleshbag in the deck to use with mimic vat so that also works out.

  • Swamp + Tower: the deck need ways to make me not discard when using necro

  • Steel Hellkite +Overseer of the Damned: Hellkite is a great mana sink when he was attacking and I have shit tons of extra mana and want to kill someone but his X ability is so hard to use on creatures because the cast cost is so high on them. I have to pay 5-8 and then 2 to reanimate one guy I feel like he might not be as great as I thought only because he costs so much to play and to use either of his abilities it requires me to have tons of mana to sink into him he is also a huge target since any artifact destruction can kill him since he is a threat to any nonland permanent.

  • Nim Deathmantle +Xiahou Dun, the One-Eye Deathmantle is not as good as I thought is was as It does not let me re-reanimate my opponents stuff if it dies on my side and it costs 4 to bring back Lim. One-Eye lets me get back Exsanguinate and any other black card so it's a much needed addition.

  • Swamp + Wayfarers Bauble

  • Liliana Death Majesty + Lightning Greaves: She is pretty good since she can get back Lim making him a zombie though a Rise from the Grave might just be better since that can get something from any graveyard I manly ran her for her last ability but I have Kindred Dominance which does the same thing. She doesn't generate any card advantage unlike Vess who might just be a better choice. Greaves is cheaper and a haste enabler that protects Lim so its all around better thought Darksteel Plate might also be considered since Lim can die easily from some of my wipes.

  • Extraplanar Lens/Caged Sun +Thought Vessel I feel like lens is a good card but I dislike it's early game use having to overextend yourself by removing a swamp that you desperately need in the early game though it does let you accell into the mid game faster. I feel like it is really good later game when you want to pull off a big Exsanguinate kill being able to double the mana you have right after you play it. I am going to test taking out caged sun as I dislike this cards effect for 6 mana and it's such a good target at anytime I feel like it just sits in my hand most of the time not having a chance to be used. The deck usually uses necro to draw it's cards so having thought vessel as an early game rock that gives you no hand size is really great


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.86
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Treasure, Vampire */* B, Zombie 2/2 B
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