This is a fast, control orientated deck, designed to slow the opponent's creatures with some well placed detains and clear the path for the Silverblade Paladin and Champion of the Parish combo. It is effective against token reliant, populate, haste and creature heavy decks.
Detain: Azorius Arrester and Lyev Skyknight slow down and control the early game battlefield. A potential combo with these cards and Deputy of Acquittals can keep the detain coming well in to mid game. Lavinia of the Tenth is a definite late game detain bomb that can allow you a free strike at the enemy for a decisive win.
Damage: Silverblade Paladin and Champion of the Parish work together extremely effectively to BRING THE PAIN. Champion of the Parish is slowly pumped by the human detain creatures and with spells such as Spectral Flight. A decent starting hand can see this combo do huge damage, unhindered. Sublime Archangel boosts this combo for a fast win.
Detention Sphere: An amazing exile card to slow down your opponent. Clears the battlefield of planeswalkers, tokens, enchantements, large creatures, etc.
Azorius Charm: The most versatile card in the deck. Main protection from haste and pumped creatures. Can also give you the potential for life gain or a card draw if the situation is looking grim.
Brave the Elements: Protection to attack or block and a 'get out of jail free' card for all your creatures when they are targeted with sorcery or enchantments.
Idea for this deck was originally conceived from: