This is my attempt at a decent standard mill/control deck.
The strategy:
Stall for time and mill the bejeezus out of the opponent's deck by dropping one of the win conditions: a)
Jace, Memory Adept
, and/or b)
Sands of Delirium
and then wiping the board, and then keeping the opponent locked down with counter-spells,
Feeling of Dread
, and Blind Obedience.
I don't run any Hallowed Fountain because a) aggro is heavily represented in my meta so I refuse to take the 2 life ping, b) I have an empty one-drop and usually just use the turn to crack an Evolving Wilds anyways, and c) the price is too damn high! I refuse to be extorted. I do enough of it myself to other people with Blind Obedience.
The cards:
Blind Obedience - To hold down the fort against any aggro decks and for the oft-occurring extort when I cast a
Feeling of Dread
or miracled Terminus. At this point, I've playeed it quite extensively and this, combined with Witchbane Orb, works like gangbusters on RDW (very prominently represented in my meta). Further, when I manage to get out two Blind Obedience (which happens quite often as I continuously stall for time), I often end up defeating the aggro opponent simply off of extort triggers because of those low-cmc spells with flashback, like
Feeling of Dread
and Think Twice, and one-offs like
Azorius Charm
, as well as any and all of my counterspells. This card has my vote as one of the best to come out of Gatecrash.
Witchbane Orb - For neutralizing burn spells, Slaughter Games, and control mirrors running ANY mill engines like Nephalia Drownyard,
Jace, Memory Adept
, etc. Dimir/Esper mill is really in vogue right now, and this just crushes them.
Supreme Verdict and Terminus - Probably don't need to explain the purpose of these. Plus, the latter works well with Think Twice during the opponent's turn.
Entreat the Angels - Again, good synergy with Think Twice, but also is effective for providing for some simultaneous blocking and attacking to keep the opponent reeling on two fronts.
Detention Sphere - For those pesky moments when an opponent hits a miracle Entreat the Angels, if there are indestructibles like
Primordial Ooze
, or if there are
Ash Zealot
s out, hindering my ability to flashback Think Twice and
Feeling of Dread
. Also reserved for annoying planeswalkers that try and cramp the style of my own.
- For playing any deck running burn of any kind - especially Bonfire of the Damned. Also useful for control mirrors playing Sphinx's Revelation.
Feeling of Dread
- Possibly one of the most annoying cards ever for aggro decks to contend with. Almost like two free turns for the cost of four mana total.
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - For locking down the board and additional draw (in combination with
Feeling of Dread
and Blind Obedience).
Jace, Architect of Thought - Draw engine for finding my game-stalling cards.
AEtherize - A useful card against mid-range decks who need time to build up all over again after. Also provides a nice opportunity for you to wipe the board, then counter-spell. Has been especially effective against Boros Reckoner, Entreat the Angels, and
Thundermaw Hellkite
Planar Cleansing - For when planeswalkers are becoming a nuisance and there is no Detention Sphere in sight for me.
Gideon, Champion of Justice +
Render Silent
+ Sphinx's Revelation - Experimenting with these ones. Seeing if it's worth my money to get a set of sphinx's.
Azorius Charm
- A great, flexible card for either buying time or increasing card advantage. Useful synergy with
Jace, Memory Adept
's 0 or +1 ability.
Jace, Memory Adept
Sands of Delirium
- Plan A win-con
Entreat the Angels - Plan B win-con
Please leave some comments on what you think!