Grand Arbiter Augustin IV running the government the way it should be run: inefficiently, slowly, with lots of red tape and bureaucracy.

The idea behind this deck was to build a government around Grand Arbiter Augustin IV. I wanted any and all cards that were related to court, justice, law, taxes, government, bureaucracy, order, silence, peace, respect, and so on. To this end, I tried my best to avoid any cards (other than mana producers) that were not on theme, regardless of how strong they were, even when it meant using much worse alternatives.
As theme was the most important consideration when building this deck, certain concessions had to be made. I will outline these choices below.

Cards like Counterspell or Void Shatter didn't really fit that theme, so they were replaced with cards like Fall of the Gavel and Overrule; these counters are not nearly as good, but they are so steeped in theme that they had to be included (and with Augustin out, they aren't half-bad). Other counterspells we've got include Forbid, Disallow, Stoic Rebuttal, and Statute of Denial which denote the Grand Arbiter's denial of my opponents' actions, while Render Silent, Decree of Silence, and Swift Silence are all on theme with his demand for quiet in his presence. Finally, we have Force of Will and Insidious Will which hint at his unbending iron will.

Spot Removal
Spot removal is somewhat limited, but potent nonetheless. Swords to Plowshares was replaced by Condemn - again, not as good but theme is key. Detention Sphere and Cast Out are both thematic, and Prison Term, while not removal in the strictest sense is still a way to bind up a powerful creature and it has the ability to move as necessary. We also have Council's Judgment which is a very strong removal spell that dodges hexproof/protection/shroud and occasionally hits two items. Finally, we have Vedalken Shackles, which doesn't remove a creature but lets us take control of it.

Creatures like Masako the Humorless, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker and Trusted Advisor were chosen for being Advisors, as well as having names and effects that were both on theme. Masako has no time for nonsense and keeps her men working double-duty (pairing nicely with Decree of Justice as well), Michiko only wants to find truth and punishes aggression against us, and Trusted Advisor is fairly obvious. Judge's Familiar gives us a one-drop flying creature that has the ability to occasionally counter a spell if our opponent taps out for it.

Consecrated Sphinx was added for card draw and because the Sphinxes are aligned with the Azorius in their understanding and belief in rule of law. Isperia, Supreme Judge exemplifies this perfectly, and further punishes aggression. Azor, the Lawbringer is the peak of Azorius, and offers a Sphinx's Revelation effect on attack.

Droning Bureaucrats is excellent for theme and fits the semi-pillow fort nature of the deck (with Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, and War Tax). Azor's Elocutors provides a difficult but fun win condition by simply filibustering our opponents until we can win. New additions include Ascended Lawmage which provides a decently-costed body with evasion and protection, and is dripping with theme. Soulsworn Jury obviously fits thematically, and offers a limited counterspell on a blocker. Deputy of Acquittals provides a flash body and a bounce effect that synergies well with the deck, allowing reuse of ETB effects, allowing a creature to dodge removal, and pairing nicely with another new addition: Ephara, God of the Polis. Ephara turns creatures into semi-cantrips, fits the theme, and provides an indestructible body, along with her synergies with both Deputy of Acquittals and Trusted Advisor.

Other Bureaucracy
Along with the theme, we have Rule of Law and Eidolon of Rhetoric which limit my opponents' spells. While Arcane Laboratory has the same effect, it doesn't match the rest of the deck in theme, so it was cut. Echoing Truth gives us a bounce spell and token-sweeper than fits the theme as well.

Certain cards seem perfectly on theme but haven't been put in the deck. Council of the Absolute is on theme, but is almost completely useless in Commander, so it couldn't make the cut. Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer is a great political tool, but I felt like a rogue who bribes people is sort of the antithesis of Grand Arbiter Augustin IV.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #53 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Soldier 1/1 W
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