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Baby It's Koll Outside

Pauper EDH* RW (Boros)



Ah, Pauper EDH, where every combo deck is blue and built around Ghostly Flicker and/or Freed from the Real slash land untaps. Not anymore.

Koll, the Forgemaster is good enough to make a competitive combo deck in Pauper (and in terrible Boros too, amazing). I shudder to think how good the CEDH version is, but just in Pauper the components are there to make a competitive Pauper deck that doesn't run blue for just about the first time ever.

So the infinite combo: Any zero mana dork (or Impulsive Pilferer, he's a real treasure) plus any equipment that costs 1 mana to equip (there are no zero mana equips at common) plus Ashnod's Altar equals infinite mana with Koll in play. The tutor density in pauper is super low so we need redundancy. Thermopod and Skirk Prospector also offer the same infinite loops so long as you have something in play to either kill or draw your deck. In addition to the infinite mana sinks (Fireball, Rolling Thunder, Valakut Invoker, etc), you can kill with ETB triggers (Impact Tremors, Reckless Fireweaver, Furious Assault, etc) or Storm (Grapeshot, Empty the Warrens). Burning Prophet isn't great but he's a way to dig a bit, and if you have Ashnod's Altar and any equipment out, Filagree Familiar or Skyscanner and a 0 drop can draw your entire deck and find you a kill spell.

The draw suite isn't great (don't ever let them get countered) but I'm running all the standard red card draw from Faithless Looting to Thrill of Possibility to Cathartic Reunion just to assemble the combo. There are no tutors for the main combo parts but Goblin Matron lets you find Impulsive Pilferer or Skirk Prospector to run that line and Heliod's Pilgrim lets you tutor for auras to protect Koll. (can probably find something else useful to tutor for too)

The removal package is rather limited since so much of the interaction is bad cards to protect Koll (and also 3 counterspells, no one ever expects Mana Tithe and Pyro/REB are a great way to power through the best color in the format). Lightning Bolt, Disenchant, Abrade, and a few board wipes to let you stabilize. At the moment I'm running Stonehorn Dignitary for recursion. There are a bunch of creatures you could abuse recursively (Ghitu Slinger, Keldon Vandals, Kami of the False God, etc) but at the moment I'm just running the one to focus on speed, redundancy, and slots for the combo.

The equipment suite is pretty terrible at common but you need 8-10 in the deck just to draw one. Sylvok Lifestaff is clearly the best one as infinite life seems decent. Goldvein Pick seems like the best of the 2 mana ones, but as the importance is getting and equipping cheaply, I've gone with Bone Saw and some crappy 1 drop equipments for most of the slots. Whispersilk Cloak doesn't combo off but it protects Koll.

Lastly, mana. Standard 2 mana rock package and Springleaf Drum/Infernal Plunge type cards doing the work of Mox Amber/Jeska's Will/Culling the Weak type Rograkh cards in a format full of commons. I'm running a pretty full suite of duals (and some discussion needs to happen about taplands, Lotus Petal etc as ways to accelerate) but coming into play tapped is the worst if you're trying to make the fastest deck in the format.

This is an early draft but initial signs are pretty fantastic. I welcome all suggestions as we try to break the glorious format of Pauper EDH in half.

Edit: Like a donkey I submitted a 100 card deck but left out Filigree Familiar. I've momentarily cut Mana Tithe for it but we shall see.

Feb 25 Edit: -Thriving Moor, Meteor Shower, Whispersilk Cloak +Remote Farm, Mana Tithe, Fanatical Devotion

All-in Mana, removed Quarry, Guildgate and Thriving lands because too many taplands slows us down and I think we need to be all-in on speed to overcome decks that simply have better threat density and redundancy. Added the second Masques sac land to potentially speed the combo up a turn. Lotus Petal absolutely needs to come in (probably not Open the Omenpaths or Seething Song, too slow) but I haven't decided what to cut yet.

Mana Tithe returned because counterspells are good, Fanatical Devotion because it's a surprisingly effective sac outlet in a deck that needs them and I totally missed the card (thanks Crash).

Cuts were Meteor Shower because the x spells are really only a thing if you draw Altar and Whispersilk Cloak because you rarely have 5 mana to protect Koll. Just slower and less tutorable than your other options.


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91% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Shapeshifter 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure
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