With the current standard the door is open for control decks to have a chance to do well within the meta. Kaladesh introduced some strong artifacts into the mix that can allow us to have repeatable control and board presence over our opponents. While I am not the creator of this deck I decided it might be helpful to create a primer for those who are interested playing a reactive type of magic. The original creator or the first deck list I saw was from Bas Meils on MTGTop 8, where he place #1 with his fairly cheap Bant Dynavolt Control List. The hopes of this Primer is to create a place where the idea of Dynavolt control can be discussed. The use of cards will be explained and the color combination with their strengths and weaknesses will also be added. In the beginning only Bant will be posted but as the conversation takes off the other color combinations, cards and decklists will be posted.
As can be seen in Bass list there are quite a few answers to just about any situation that one might be in. The new energy mechanic allows the deck to have the reach to deal with most threats and give us a wincon to beat our opponents. It should be noted that this deck is by no means fast and will often cause games to go to time. While this is not a factor in paper magic because only a game 1 win is needed this deck can run into issue on MTGO.
Card Choices
Attune with Aether I think this card took most players by surprise in the limited format with its power to help ramp and keep consistent land drops, while being one of the most efficient energy producers in the format. Great card to help fuel
Dynavolt Tower or
Deadlock Trap.
Immolating Glare Great removal at instant speed with a 2 cmc, hits quite a few threats in the format. Does have the restriction that the creature must attack, allowing for any attack triggers to happen. Regardless very efficient in the deck.
Skywhaler's Shot Another solid removal spell, can deal with pretty much any creature that is larger than 3 power. The scry 1 is also quite helpful tacked on bonus.
Plummet More restrictive than the other removal spells but sometimes flyers just need to be dealt with. This is defiantly a card that should start in the board and never be in the list of 60 for game one (Unless your meta sees a large number of flyers).
Card Draw Show
Anticipate Instant speed is huge, being able to bluff the answer on the opponents turn is huge. This card allows us to also dig three deep when cast. Even though there is the chance that something we might need could be put to the bottom the risk reward is worth running this card.
Glimmer of Genius Was this the draw spell blue in standard needed or what. Instant speed and allows us to dig up to four cards is huge. Giving the two energy is a bonus that are other deck pieces will definitely put to use.
Board Wipe Show
Fumigate Unfortunately standard MTG has gone the way of unconditional 4 cmc board wipes have no place, so we instead get a very solid 5 cmc board wipe that also gains us life. The life gain can be huge and help swing the tide of the game to put us so far ahead that our opponent cannot possibly come back.
Descend upon the Sinful Sometimes the creatures on the opposite side of the field just need to disappear, and not just to the graveyard. This card does have a heavy cmc at 6, but it will take care of anything that is on the field. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and UB Zombie strategies does not like this card at all.
Counterspells Show
Void Shatter Great standard counter spell that not only counters the target it makes sure that the card in question will not come back at a later point in the game.
Negate With all of the Planeswalkers and vehicles and artifacts running rampant in standard this card is an all-star and for only 2 cmc.
Summary Dismissal This card is a definite one of in the main board, its ability to just say no and exile a spell is great. The ability to counter an ability is huge also, sometimes you didnt have the answer when you needed it this card helps to bail you out until that answer is found.
Ceremonious Rejection Kaladesh is a format of artifacts being able to counter a colorless spell for 1 cmc is game changing, should be in the board because against certain decks this card is as good as dead.
Confirm Suspicions 5 cmc for a counter spell means that it better have some good ability tacked on. While its not great in all situations, in the control mirror this allows for some serious card advantage to firmly put us in the drivers seat.
Invasive Surgery Delirium can be hard to achieve in this deck, but some cards are a pain for this deck. Mainly those cards tend to be black and essentially do the same thing this card is trying to accomplish. The black cards to look out for are Lost Legacy and Pick the Brain these two cards have the ability to either stop our engine or our main wincon. Since this deck is a tool box we might only run a few copies of certain cards and each of those cards play a specific role, the last thing this deck wants is to have a specific tool stripped away and exiled so we cannot use it.
Dispel Good in the control match up or any deck that relies heavily on instant speed spells. Should have its home in the side and not the mainboard.
Appetite for the Unnatural Allows us to deal with pesky artifacts or enchantments that are on the board, while also netting us 2 life.
Blessed Alliance Great toolbox card that for 2 cmc gives us great options. The first and third abilities are the ones this deck uses most, havent ever actually used the second one in a game. Sometimes gaining four life to turn the corner and gain control is crucial. A well timed third ability helps to get rid of any creature in the format, if it is attacking alone.
Seasons Past Highly underrated card. Allows us to reuse any of our previous spells essentially letting us never run out of answers. The ability to put itself on the bottom of our library is a pseudo wincon, allowing us to win by never drawing out our library. Where this card really shines is the ability for us to go up to +6 on card advantage for only 6 mana, remember this can bring lands back to the hand also. This card is the engine of the deck that gives us the reach and ability to continually handle any threats our opponents throw at us until were are completely in control.
Natural State 1 cmc artifact and enchantment removal has a definite place in the current standard a notable sideboard card.
Lock Down Show
Deadlock Trap This card has many great uses, allowing us to handle their threat until we find a permanent answer. It also helps to eliminate activated abilities that might give us a problem. Even more importantly it helps to essentially silence any planeswalker that might have landed on the board. Planeswalkers are hard for this deck because we have very few ways of dealing with them once they land.
Dynavolt Tower Other than Seasons Past, this is the card that runs the deck. Giving us an endless supply of energy from just casting the cards in our deck. With two or more of these out the energy that is gained from playing a few spells on your turn or your opponents will be enough to close a game out in a few turns. Being able to ping an opponent for 3 damage is our main way of killing our opponent and finishing out the game. In the early stages this can remove a lot of the threats that are running around this standard. As said before planeswalkers for this deck are a problem, however this card helps to deal with those pesky permanents. Just remember to redirect the damage to said planeswalker to reduce its loyalty to zero and send it to the graveyard.
The Lands
The mana base for Dynavolt control is very important. One of the bonuses to playing green as a color is that Attune with Aether, allows us to run fewer lands and smooth out our land drops and provide a constant supply of energy, because of this it is recommended that in the color combination of the deck green is included.
My suggested land base for a list running Green
4 Aether Hub
6 Battle Lands
1 Evolving Wilds
4 Man Lands
8 Basics
Land Choices Show
Aether Hub In an energy heavy producing deck this land is absolutely nuts, it allows for any color to be produce. Provided that we have the 1 energy needed to activate is color producing ability. This card should be a 4 of in any version of this deck. Seriously, play this card.
Evolving Wilds Allows us to search out a specific basic that we might need to help hit all of our colors.
Lumbering Falls Is this card a nightmare to play against. Dodges just about all of the removal in the format. Provided that is has clear lane to attack through. Just be weary of effects that make you sacrifice a creature, because chances are this will be your only one. Can also be used to help close out games as a wincon.
Battle Lands These are our duals of choice, playing one turn one tapped is not the biggest deal as we have very few turn one plays, Attune with Aether helps to make sure that we meet the restriction clause on these land early. Better than the Shadow Lands for Shadows of Innistrad because late game we often dont have any basics in hand or they are all already on the field.
Basic Lands Basics are always needed, allows us to meet battle land requirements and smooths out land drops with Attune with Aether. Play these, the quantity of each basic needed depends on the color being run and the mana requirements of each card in the deck.
Piloting Dynavolt Control
Remember the premise of this deck is to gain control of the game and bring the opponent down to 0 when we feel like they have no say in what we are doing. This deck has an attrition feel to it, games are long and grindy. Dont be afraid to lose a few life from early swings in order to make sure that land drops are hit and the board is set to help us take the upper hand after turn 5. The deck will not run out of cards because of Seasons Past, so dont be afraid to wait until the last possible minute to finish your opponent off for the win. This however does not mean use you answers freely, each threat must be prioritized and dealt with in the most efficient manner.
General Guidlines
Be Patient.
Make sure you hit your land drops for at least the first 5 turns.
Save Counterspells for cards that removal cannot deal with.
Remember that the damage from Dynavolt Tower can be redirected to help remove or keep a planeswalker for ultimating.
Losing a few life to early attacks to save removal for later threats is often a good idea, remember most threats played in the early turns are just the beginning much more problematic creatures are bound to follow.
Waiting to get maximum value from Fumigate goes in the same idea as the previous statement, the life gain is important make the best decision to maximize this, however remember that 1 extra point of life gain wont mater if the next turn you will be dead unless you clear the board.
I hope that the community finds this deck exciting and a breath of fresh air to standard. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. This deck can only get better with the help of the community.
"I like that Tezzeret. He has vision the other judges don't. He sees the potential in what we're making here." Faiz, inventor