Building a bant midrange deck that also utilises the Knight of the Reliquary/
Retreat to Coralhelm
How the deck works:
The deck has 2 wincons. The first being the aggro approach with big creatures such as Tarmogoyf, Geist of Saint Traft and Knight of the Reliquary. The second way of getting the better of your opponent is the combo.
T1: Mana dork
T2: Knight of the Reliquary
Retreat to Coralhelm
Drop a fetch as your land drop for that turn. Sacrifice a plains or forest, retrieve land. Untap Knight. Repeat by getting more lands (note, fetchlands trigger coralhelm twice, so use one to tap down blockers or untap mana dork). Get 15+ lands in the graveyard and finally get
Kessig Wolf Run
out and swing for 30+. If your opponent has removal, crack the fetch, get a plains or forest, untap knight, sac land, get Sejiri Steppe and give it protection
What's in the deck?:
1 Drops:
Noble Hierarch/Birds of Paradise - mana dorks are essential in this deck to bring out some of the heavy hitters and our combo in hopefully 3 turns. Hierearch's exalted also has great synergy with Geist
Serum Visions - here to dig through our deck to get what we need
Path to Exile - best removal spell in modern at the moment, in my opinion. Here, not only does it get rid of threats, but can also be used to exile an irrelevant creature on our side with our combo up to untap KotR, and tap her to bring out Sejiri Steppe to keep her from harm during attacks
2 Drops:
Tarmogoyf - tarmogoyf is what it is, 1G for an absolute beast. Here to do a whole heap of damage, or be a target for bolts/abrupt decays so our combo can come off. Either way, he gives us a wincon
Mana Leak - a 1 of for early game counter
Remand - good for early game and late, all the while giving us card advantage
3 Drops:
Geist of Saint Traft - same reason goyf is in here. He's another win con. Hard to get rid of once he hits the field, and swings even harder. With hiereachs exalted, he's almost unstoppable
Knight of the Reliquary - simply an amazing card, even without the combo. Usually a 5/5, can win games the same way as goyf and geist, by just swinging in hard. If she's on the field when we pull of the combo, it's almost certainly game over
Retreat to Coralhelm
- not only does this card pump up KotR with its "infinite" land cycling wincon, it also does a lot for the deck when the combo is not in use. Can be used to tap down potential blockers and helps us dig through the deck to find potential wincons
Collected Company - such a big card in modern right now, CoCo will more than likely win us the game by either grabbing our heavy hitters, or helping us grab KotR to pull off the combo
Restoration Angel
- here as a 1 of to bounce out our creatures that may be in danger
Sejiri Steppe - if our knight is in trouble, we can tap her down to get our steppe and have her to live another day. If the combo is in effect, she's already tapped and have a path in hand, as previously mentioned, we can path our own irrelevant creature and save her that way
Kessig Wolf Run
- splashing some red for kessig, as cycling through those lands will generate a ton of mana. Usually giving KotR +9/0 on top of the +1/+1 from the lands, the game is over
Let me know what you think, and I accept all criticism and feedback. Help me make this deck amazing. Cheers.