Step 1: Boardwipe. Step 2: Flash in Big Wurm Step 3: Salivate Welcome to the Bantarama! A deck that started off as a more midrange build, and has since turned into more of a controlling build. Being able to run 4 Advent of the Wurm allows me to be a bit more aggressive than the traditional U/W/x control builds, and that's where I like to be. A more proactive build, rather than a reactive one. Trying to make a build with no counters, at least not in the mainboard :) Finishers
AEtherling - Because what the hell are you gonna do about him? Nothing, nothing at all.
Advent of the Wurm - 5/5 with trample to flash in at your end step? I can dig it.
Jace, Architect of Thought Shuts down aggro, and gains me some card advantage
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Do I really need to explain the power level of her...?
Kiora, the Crashing Wave - Usually gets out on turn 3 and starts ticking up quick, which is something that they HAVE to answer because her ultimate is just so good! Can also tick her down if I need some cards/need to play an extra land this turn; great synergy with Courser of Kruphix
Nissa, Worldwaker - I really love the new Nissa, and I think her turning lands into 4/4 tramplers is not too shabby ;) Just trying her out in here as a 1-of.
Courser of Kruphix - Between this dude (err, girl?) and scry, the draws are just so smooth.
Sylvan Caryatid - Best ramp in standard, 'nuff said.
Banishing Light - How do you go wrong with more Detention Sphere? Happy to see Oblivion Ring make it's return :)
Rapid Hybridization - Quick and efficient answer to Stormbreath Dragon, Obzedat, Ghost Council, Blood Baron of Vizkopa, and others :)
Deicide - Some mainboard enchantment removal. There is not a deck in standard that runs 0 enchantments so this will never be a dead card.
Cyclonic Rift - Bounce bounce bounce! Mainly here for it's overload cost, which is GG 90% of the time.
Detention Sphere - Good ol' D-Sphere. Lock down whatever nonland permanent that's causing us some trouble.
Supreme Verdict - Best boardwipe in standard.