The goal of this deck it to survive the early onslaught of quick aggro decks and play more finisher threats than most control based decks. It has a strong pillow fort feel to in but can switch to a full aggro deck post-sideboard. So far its been a fairly consistent 3-1 at fnm with an occasional 2-2 with bad match ups.
Elvish Mystic: Quick cheap ramp.
Sylvan Caryatid: Great blocker that allows for a pre-land drop Courser on turn 3.
Nyx-Fleece Ram: Best blocker and the life gain offsets the use of the Mana ConfluencesCourser of Kruphix: Also a great blocker and provides just enough ramp to ensure my big 6 drops hit on time.
Eidolon of Blossoms: If this sticks for more than it's initial card draw off itself I tend to win quickly. Makes a great engine in this enchantment heavy deck.
Master Biomancer: Because Elspeth's soldiers are more fun as 3/3s.
Font of Fertility: This is actually a great multi-purpose card. If I am missing a color early I can usually crack without too many negatives, and late game it either fuels Sphere of Safety or cantrips of off Eidolon of Blossoms.
Elixir of Immortality: Helpful against fast aggro and prevents me from decking myself with multiple Eidolon of Blossoms in play.
Banishing Light/Detention Sphere: Most often these take out opposing planeswalkers, but can be useful to stabilize early or clear the way late.
Sphere of Safety: This alone has allowed me to pull off many wins just by buying me extra time to work on landing my win conditions.
Primeval Bounty: More often than not if this sticks I just win. It allows me to build up very quickly from a board wipe and pairs nicely with Courser of Kruphix to inflate my life.
Jace, Architect of Thought: A fairly new addition to the deck. In theory it can help suppress attacks or distract things from killing me.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion: The most seen win con of this deck. Paired with Master Biomancer is scary good, and is my only viable way of killing Strombreath Dragons for now.
Sideboard is very aggro to fight the mill decks that have been popping up in my local meta lately. I really would appreciate constructive feedback on how to push this deck over the edge.