Morph deck with a land recursion twist. Budget friendly.
Trail of Mystery
working double duty as the fetched basic lands can also be used as free shocks with Seismic Assault while also emptying your deck of lands for consistently hitting creatures with Whisperwood Elemantals manifest ability.
Trade Routes
gives you a second land discard outlet and the ability to pick up lands for shocking, and Splendid Reclamation sets you back up if you run out of lands.
Vesuvan Shapeshifter
because apart from toolboxing with different flip abilities each turn, it also lets you fetch more lands as it flips up and down each turn. It also allows you to copy powerful creatures from your opponent which can be very relevant, a lot of the times when your opponent attacks you can flip up a vesuvan, copy the attacker and win the fight because of a Trail of Mystery or Salt road Ambusher
This deck runs a lot of basic lands, which is necessary for the Seismic-Trail value train to work.
You are slow on the start for a modern deck, but can ramp very fast if you get a
Trail of Mystery
out turn 2 and a Rattleclaw Mystic face down turn 3, since this will give you 6 mana to play with on turn 4, and even more ramping if you get
Kiora, Master of the Depths
out, as she untaps a land + Rattleclaw for two extra mana.
Because of this delay before you ramp up you have to be prepared to play one of your many CMC 2 creatures as a chump blocker turn 2 to buy that extra turn against fast clocks if needed, and that's an important/difficult call to make as it slows you down so much. A decent defence can for example be achieved by playing some chump turn 2, a face down
Icefeather Aven
turn 3 to bump + block 2 of their threats turn 4.
Whisperwood Elemental
protects against boardwipe effects throught the sacrifice ability, but sadly only for face up creatures, so if you need that protection try to flip up all your morphs in advance or keep lots of mana up.
You generally want to mulligan hands that have neither
Trail of Mystery
or Rattleclaw Mystic. It's generally ok to keep any hand with one of them, 2+ lands and any of the cheaper morphs.
Seismic Assault is generally not something you want early, ideally it drops after you play your second trail or trail + Kiora and are already filling your hand with lands faster than you can play them, because you have so much you can do with mana that you'll want to keep dropping those lands all game long.
Bow of Nylea
gives us a way to shuffle back basic lands into the deck to be fetched again after being pitched to seismic or trade routes, and gives us some lifegain and other utility stuff too that can come in handy.