UPDATED This is my orzhov midrange deck. I want to remove/hand disrupt until I can establish a board presence. Getting a whip out is crucial which is why I run 3. The plan is to remove their guys and get some devotion up. Then drop gary. I can whip them back in or whip in the master.
Removal Hero's Downfall, Bile Blight, Banishing Light, Thoughtseize, Ultimate Price.
Master of the Feast is an early game flyer which cant get out of control if not dealt with.
Spiteful Returned
is a pretty cool card. I like to bestow if I can, however playing it turn 2 can lead to early quick damage if not blocked/removed.
Whip of Erebos are crucial life gain additions to help me fight off Herald of Torment damage, as well as mirror matches.
Underworld Connections is for the obvious card draw.
The best card in the deck I feel, Athreos, God of Passage makes me loosing my creatures not worrisome. With the Whip of Erebos makes it ok if they just pay the damage and it hits the graveyard. Whips ability lets me return that Master of the Feast a 5/5 flyer lifelink with haste or gary is dirty!
The sideboard Spirit of the Labyrinth locks down draw cards and limits their draw if multiple Master of the Feast are in play. I added this card so the opponent does not get too much card advantage.
Erebos, God of the Dead is a great indestructible 5/7 with a card draw ability. The lose of life is not that troublesome with the life gain.
The deck runs ok, I feel having too many 3 drops is bad and not sure what to replace herald of torment for.
What do you guys think?