This is not Mardu Control or Midrange... this is Mardu Burn.
Mardu Burn wins on turn 4 if you have Bloodsoaked Champion
Goblin Rabblemaster
Seeker of the Way
and any burn spell/Butcher/Sorin.
This is almost the exact same lineup as Jeskai Tempo, with a few key differences.
The idea of this deck is to get a few powerful creatures on the board early, and then wipe the opponent's field with early burn spells. We finish off the opponent with a few nicely placed burn spells or a hasted
Butcher of the Horde
on turn 4 or 5.
With the vast amount of midrangey decks out there right now, this deck aims to get under their skin before they really get rolling. If they do begin to roll, Crackling Doom tries to push our creatures through for that last push. Here's the lineup:
Bloodsoaked Champion - Turn 1 Champion is extremely annoying, though it does get stopped by Sylvan Caryatid -
Courser of Kruphix
lineups. However, it is useful lategame, as it's a threat that is very difficult to deal with. While the other creatures die to burn spells, the Champion stays out and keeps whacking for 2.
Seeker of the Way
- Little Seeker will pound you for a 6 life swing every other turn. Against other quick decks, Seeker keeps us out of burn range. He's much more of a punisher than expected and helps to get the enemy into the killzone.
Goblin Rabblemaster - The staple in every aggressive red deck, he's just too powerful. Left on his own, he does 7 damage by turn 4, and he's done 15 damage by turn 5. Don't even get me started about what two of them do together.
Hordeling Outburst
- It fits well into the manabase, and synergizes well with the rest of the deck. It's not insane on it's own. but with a Rabblemaster, Butcher, or Sorin on the field, this card punishes.
Butcher of the Horde
- Almost always hasted on turn 4, this man gives us tons of options. He pounds for damage and requires another answer. With the Champion, the possibilities are endless, and there's quite a few tokens coming out from the Outburst and the Rabblemaster.
The Burn:
Magma Jet
- Simple, easy Jet. Triggers Seeker and kills stuff, allowing us to make sure our draws our good. Continues to be good into the lategame.
Lightning Strike - 3 Damage kills most of the threats we'll be looking at early, except Courser. In any case, 3 damage is 15% of their health.
Crackling Doom - Probably the best card in this deck. It opens up the field, burns, kills
Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
... there's very little I would ask for otherwise.
Stoke the Flames
- Your typical $6 uncommon. Synergizes well with the Outburst and the Rabblemaster, as you can Stoke the same turn for 1 or 2 extra mana.
The Utility
Sorin, Solemn Visitor - There's only two of him as drawing a dead one really sucks, and he really needs friends to do well. With Rabblemaster or Hordeling Outburst on the field, the game ends very quickly.